Okay so I met a guy online 7 years ago. He would always hint at liking me but we would talk here and there through messenger over the years, nothing serious. However last year he actually texted my phone and we began talking every day & getting to know one another. Things started to get serious & he asked me out on a date. I accepted, and we made arrangements because he was coming in from out of town to see his daughter. The day he arrived he was kind of pushy because I wasn’t ready before the time that I said I’d be ready so that made me feel some of way because it reminded me of an unpleasant long term relationship I was in over 10 years ago. Anyway after he picked me up, we had dinner & hung out for a while , it was pleasant. And then he asked me if I was ready to go home because I had a flight the next day, I said yes…. I instantly felt his energy switch and asked him what was wrong, he replied and said that he wanted to spend more time, I agreed and then he declined & insisted that I get some rest. The next morning before my flight I called him and he said that he was disappointed because I didn’t invite him to breakfast, and that I didn’t show him enough hospitality as a visitor. I’m not going to lie, I was instantly upset because wth. That wasn’t my intentions. I called him , super upset and he cut me off saying that I hurt him and I’ll care about this more than he will. I tried calling & texting him but he started being completely unavailable, even giving me the run around, which made me so mad so I called him out on his immaturity. So months went by and we began texting again while he was out of the country , he expressed that he missed me so much b/c I was such a positive influence in his life & that he was willing to put everything on the table. But when it was time to have a conversation he ran from it and later stated that he was in his feelings and had to bottle it up…That was back in June. Here we are in august still talking and things aren’t the same. He’s still holding onto the past, he won’t let it go but says that he’s trying. He won’t answer my calls only texts. It’s just like this frozen energy yet he wants to have some form of contact. I’m losing patience with this man , and I’m really considering blocking him because I feel like he’s doing all of this as some form of revenge. Yesterday I asked him if he was still in love with me during our conversation and he said: “ Yes I was but honestly I had to bottle it back up. You see I’m the one who can push the nuclear weapon button and not worry bout the casualties to win the war 😂 I had to make a drastic decision under pressure and to save the world I had to bottle it up so that my love won’t get damaged or cause me to think w my heart and w my mind”…… Then he says things like keep faith in us, I’m still figuring things out and when I do I’ll let you know. Mind you, this man pursued me for almost a decade. Should I just block him. I’m 95% sure he’s full of shxt now, although in the beginning he was serious about me. But now it’s a “War”??????

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