(39m) I have found a lot of women nowadays are looking for sugar daddy’s and they are more prevalent. So my question for sugar daddy’s is what is the appeal of this type of relationship when you know the women is only with you for your money?

  1. Didn’t decide it. It just happens as I have a good job and I’m not looking for anything serious

  2. It gives an older man with means access to youth and beauty which may not be possible without a transactional relationship. I fully understand it is just one step up from prostitution. but it will be more and more common as the economy declines.

  3. It’s like having a sex worker on retainer.

    Unfortunately I think a lot of men start to believe it’s a proper relationship. I’ve even heard of at least one sugar baby who also thought it was a real relationship. It was kind of sad. She was asking for general relationship advice because her “boyfriend” wasn’t meeting her emotional need. And it’s not like I just mis-characterized her relationship as a sugar relationship. She was openly a sugar baby. But she either forgot or didn’t really understand what that kind of relationship is. He’s not paying for her shit just to have to deal with her emotional neediness. He’s paying for a compliant little fuck toy.

  4. I don’t see the appeal behind it. I’d rather just pay directly for sex. But if I had a whole bunch of money I’d still rather a woman liked me for me. Use Money to improve my attractiveness

  5. I know a few men who are and I still don’t know. The women they pay are not that attractive and don’t provide much more than drama in their lives constantly.

    However, if I was a mildly attractive woman I would definitely be a sugar baby like 19-30 then retire, get married, etc…

  6. Guys think for a minute!
    Why are we tryin to flex our bank for a chick who is probably fucking someone else and doesn’t really like you? Yes you have women you do the same but it’s nowhere to the degree of a men. Like how many women do run into that are willing to take you shopping, buy you cars, dinners, plane trips etc just for some dick and no relationship attached to it?

  7. I’m morally opposed to that at 23. Maybe if I get very old and lonely, I may have to alter my approach.

    Genuine, burning desire can never be replicated by any sexworker imo.

  8. Not a sugar daddy myself. Won’t lie, as I get older it’s something that sounds more appealing to me.

    I’m in my early 30s now. I’m quite good looking if I do say so myself (in good shape, dress well, groom nicely), still like to party as if I’m in my 20s, and I’d like to be doing that same shit well into my 40s or even 50s if possible.

    I’ve already had more than enough validation in my lifetime to know that I’m a catch and desirable to women, and if I had “fuck you” money then getting pretty much any woman I want would basically be a done deal, especially the younger women in their 20s who would be more likely want to keep up with my party-boy antics.

    I’d be fully aware that they’re with me for my money and it simply wouldn’t bother me if I was getting what I wanted out of the arrangement. And that would be a hot girl I can party with, travel with, fuck, enjoy time with, etc, and have around for a good time but not necessarily a long time. Once she decides she wants to move on fine… I can just start over with a fresh, new sugar baby.

    If I would simply hire an escort, I’m just looking to skip the BS for a quick fuck. If I’d be paying a sugar baby, I’d be having all the “fun” parts of having a girlfriend without any of the expectation of commitment, etc.

  9. It looks super tacky and gross when I see a young girl with an old man. Like, sure, maybe y’all are actually friends, but that’s still weird. Find someone you actually relate to. Get your own money. A lot of these girls think these men are “mature” just cuz they are old and have some money. Plenty of losers grow up and have money.

  10. I feel like it’s a mixture of desire for power and too much money or desire for power and poor financial literacy.

  11. It’s like all the benefits of a relationship with none of the negatives of a relationship. It’s kind of a lot better than dating to be completely honest. At least depending on your income and the person you meet.

    I don’t care if she’s only with me for the money. I still get good conversation. Good emotional connection. Fun activities/outings. Virtually no downsides during the entire experience.

  12. From what i read & heard, for most part its not about sex but having someone around, who would listen to you, give you live & cuddle with you

  13. Aren’t all relationships with a gf or wife, a “sugar daddy” deal? Especially a “stay at home” gf or wife. They’re just a live in sugar baby. If a man stops providing financially, the woman will end the relationship and leave. That happens all day, every day. Many relationships are dependent on the man providing everything financially, and if he stops providing money, the woman will end it and leave. Sure, she “loves” you, but that love is conditional. She’ll love you under the condition that you pay for everything and have money. I don’t really see much difference, if any, in the type of normal relationship I described and a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship. Maybe her being exclusive with you? That’s not even always true either. Plenty of women in a good relationship cheat. Anyways, yea I know it’s not the same…but isn’t it kinda the same?

  14. Well everything is clear isn’t it.

    No room for misunderstanding.

    If she’s young and beautiful and he’s rich – why not. Everyone’s over 18 and everyone is happy.

  15. I want to know how and where these hook ups happen, how as a chick do you ever bring up in conversation that your willing to have sex for money.

  16. For me, I’m gonna spend money on a girl in a relationship. But at least here I maintain my freedom and decor and sense of sanity.

    I give her nice things, she gives me companionship. She gets more experienced man, I get younger woman.

  17. I would only be able to afford a part-time artificial sweetener, so cannot provide any input.

  18. When $1000 disposable started feeling like $100 disposable, I realised that amazing sexual experiences were worth more to me than a new mountain bike or pool table or electric guitar.

    I mean that I was spending $1000 as carelessly as I used to spend $100.

    Simple as that.

    I got to make up for the boring sex life I had between 22 and 35.

    (I had a great sex life from 16-22 and missed it more than anything)

  19. I guess its a mutual arrangement.

    Women doesn’t want to work but wants a certain lifestyle, man wants sex and a women that depends on him

  20. “Women” -> “Woman” (singular).

    “Daddy’s” -> “Daddies” (plural).

  21. If I was rich and single I’d probably pay a hot girl to be exclusive (or claim) to me for my sexual needs, until I got bored.

    I’d have to be very rich though.

  22. Hotter girls for less effort and money. Yeah I could go out every weekend for a month or so and *maybe* land a 6/10. Or I could shell out some cash for an 8/10 atleast twice a month.

  23. When you’ve worked all your life, and still single with a lot of spare cash. Money doesn’t really matter, there is no one to spend money with.

  24. I had an Ex who had multiple sugar daddies, and they basically were as much of a loser as she was desperate for attention and approval.

    So this shit balances out. But very fucking weak looking back at it.

  25. I would really like to know what is it to have so much money that you can spend like 1500 € a month (don’t know in America how much money would be the equivalent) so you have a sugar baby.

    Do Sugar daddies expect loyalty? because It would suck that you are paying that much money to a girl and she’s fucking for free her tinder dates.

    Do sugar daddies do it for the sex or is for the feeling of having power over someone else?

    is it sex selifsh with sugar daddies? Like “do whatever I want to please me, no need for me to do things I don’t really like to please you, since I am paying you”

  26. In the long run, it cost less than with regular relationship, and you are sure to have (good) sex.

  27. I’ve been a sugar daddy in the past.

    I had a job that meant I travelled a lot. I spent time between 3 major cities, spending a third of my year at each, but the timing was always uncertain.

    A girlfriend in that situation was pretty much impossible. I had to go away at often very short notice. I had a sugar baby or two in each city. I made a decent wage, was put up in nice hotels and got an obscene per diem and expense account whenever I wasn’t in my home city. I would be able to drop into a city, have someone to go to dinner and a show with, have someone fun to hang out with and go to bed with when I was there. I had to do almost no ‘maintenance’ while I was away, they didn’t have to think about me, and I didn’t have to think about them until we met. It was also good for business too, since having a beautiful and intelligent woman on my arm when going to dinner with clients or vendors was a massive status boost.

    Some I paid with money, some with gifts and some a combination of both.

    If I had a similar job again, I would do it again without hesitation.

  28. A lot of women? A lot of 20 year old women who wouldn’t otherwise be interested in a sweaty pot belly middle aged guy, is more like it

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