Hi guys,
So I dm’d this girl on Instagram we talked a bit I liked her, she liked me so I proposed that we call each other sunday she agreed I ended the conversation right there but later in the night she sent me a video of her teasing me playing with her tongue, lips, etc.

I have already sexted in my life but I have to confess that this is the first time a girl that I still had’nt slept with engaged the sexting so I was **REALLY** turned on by that.

She sends me another video of her playing with her mouth again, sucking her fingers and showing a bit of her breast.

I ask her to show me the piercing she has on her tongue, she sends me a video of it and to that I respond “what a slu… ups sry I can’t contain myself, you’re so gorgeous”. To that she insults me and blocks me.

I just want to know was I the one who really messed up here ? Or we just were’nt a match because to me there was no offense. It wasn’t an insult to offend her, thought she would like it, maybe I went too fast.

Can I do something to repair things or do I just learn from my mistake and move on ?

  1. Yeah you messed up, don’t call random girls s*uts just because they’re being sexual, a lot of women don’t find being called that a compliment, they see it as a slur.

  2. Even if that wasn’t your intent, ‘slut’ is often construed as a slur. Sorry, you fucked up. It is what it is. Learn from your mistake and move on.

  3. Yeah, man, you kinda messed up. I’m pretty sure I know your intent when using that word. You were in the moment and you probably wanted to make her feel naughty, and dirty, but in a good way. As other people mentioned, some women don’t take it in a positive way. Just learn from the experience. When it comes to those things it is probably best to ask if she’d be ok with you using that word.

  4. It’s not about rushing into saying it some (a lot) of women don’t like slurs at all and will take offence to it

  5. Well, you were in the middle of insulting her. Perhaps it’s something some people enjoy, but degrading language is not the kind of thing to spring on someone.

  6. Move on, learn from the experience. Stop sexting and get out and meet some folks. You won’t feel so emboldened to call a woman you don’t know a slut.

  7. It would totally hurt my feelings to hear that and would never be able to orgasm if a guy was insulting me during sex.

    You need to show you care about feelings to turn a person on, unless they say their into being insulted. This is why so many chat requests get ignored by girls.

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