Interest or Disinterest?

Men of Reddit, excuse the long post, but I need your perspective!!

We’ve been talking for a few weeks on and off. He (late 20’s male) asks me (late 20’s woman) out to a movie after a few weeks of not seeing each other and very minimal texting and calling.

We meet there because it’s a work day and we’re coming from different directions. He pays for the tickets and snacks. Gets a drink to share.

Before the movie, there’s some flirting, but not really the place to catch up on the last few weeks. He’s texting.

Before the movie, during the movie, after the movie – texting the whole time (**we had minimal communication in the last few weeks).

He’s not touching me. So when our hands accidentally brush, I go for it. But after several minutes, he sort of pulls away (for texting I imagined).

He leaned my way once before the movie but he sat leaning away from me most of the time.

Movie finishes, he leaves without waiting for me. He’s texting. He asks if I’m going home now… I tell him I don’t have to yet and ask what he’s gonna do. Laundry, he replies. Even though he has the next day off.

To summarize:

He asks me out. He calls occasionally. He says he misses me. He tells me he’s interested.

He wasn’t excited to be with me after weeks of little communication and no intimacy. He was texting the whole time during our date. We didn’t even talk.

So I tell him, hey, you don’t seem interested. I don’t want to waste your time. Good luck.

But he replies back and part of what he says is- and these are his exact initial words – “I’m not not interested”

It’s my opinion and understanding that people who are interested in you would give you their full attention especially on a date. They would want to see you more than a few times a month.

SO MEN OF REDDIT, PLS TELL ME. Am I fucking insane? I’m trying to be objective and leaving my emotions out of this because let’s be honest, I was fucking sad and disappointed especially because he two days prior, he said he’d call and never did and never texted me to give me warning either.

  1. Why would you want to see a man out who thinks this is acceptable behavior for a date? Where did yall meet? Have you both said you’re interested in each other? Cause this sounds like 2 bros kicking it vs a date.

  2. If you want an honest assessment from the guy’s perspective, you need to show sexual interest to trigger a man’s interest if you don’t trigger it elsewhere like his hobbies. Sex is the primary thing in common for couples, if not anything else. This is the rule when dealing with primitive guys. If you want you emotional needs met, you need to find a man who has no issue showing his feminine side because he’s aware of it. Keyword aware. You may find it typical in your dating experiences that men are oblivious to a woman’s emotional needs.

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