A lot of “what would you tell your 20 year old self” (or younger), but not a lot of 30 year olds asking that even though life is much more ~~hectic~~ dangerous at this age in my opinion.

  1. No one will care about your graduate degree. Find other ways to get promoted/hired.

  2. to take a really good look really nice girl I was dating and ask myself how much she would change when we got married….. spoiler alert, a lot

  3. You’re about to get married. Go ahead and suggest using the money for a down-payment on a house instead of a wedding.

  4. Bill Gates quote: “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

  5. I’d tell him to get off his lazy ass, get over himself, and don’t move back home to Ontario from BC.

    I’m 31 and I’ve only introduced more chaos into my life from that decision last year.

  6. Stay away from this one woman. She will intentionally try and ruin your life. Its not personal, its political.
    If you hear that name stay the fuck away. Tattoo it on your hand so you remember.

  7. That’s because by the time you’re 30, you’ve finally grown up and most of the damage has been done, I would think.

  8. Divorce her now.

    And if you hear about this weird thing called Bitcoin, buy a couple hundred dollars worth as soon as you figure out how. You’ll thank me in 25 years.

  9. Leave the church, get divorced immediately, buy Bitcoin in vast amounts, enjoy the rest of your life.

  10. Your wife is right, get married in Italy. It will be the trip of a lifetime and your family and friends will meet and connect and make bonds that will last a lifetime. Just be a little more involved in the planning process and save more money leading up to it. Memorize your vows so you don’t completely blank when you’re about to say them at the ceremony. Also, invite Matt and Rachel. I know you haven’t talked to them in 3 years, and it is by no fault of anyone’s, but you know that they’ll have a good time.

    Also, invest boat loads into Bitcoin once it bottoms out at around $3500 in 2019. It’s going to reach the sky.

    Oh, and just keep going to school. It’s an MLM that you’re trying to get a job with, not a financial company. You would be done with school by 36 instead of starting the second half of your undergrad at 38.

    And last but not least: keep enjoying the little things in life. It’s totally worth it.

  11. That is because we make a series of decisions from 18-20 (in the West) that basically determine the trajectory of our lives. We decide if we want to go to college and what college to attend, what to study in college, what we want as a career, where to live, who to date and at this age dating can lead to marriage, and what we want to do with religion.

    All these choices can be reversed or somewhat reversed, but it is much, much better to get them right the first time.

  12. The same thing I’d tell my 20 year old self

    August 1st 2023 Billion dollar Mega million winner is 8-24-30-45-61 Mega ball 12

  13. a global pandemic will happen in a few years. Withdraw all your money from in late 2019, and then went into meme stocks……………..

  14. Buy the Bitcoin you think about buying. Do it now in 2015. Your buddies wanted to buy in 2010 and you didn’t, but you should do it now.

    You’re a dad. Keep doing the weight loss and health thing and stick with it.

    When a new job comes up and you’re interested in it, don’t take it. The pay will be hard to say no to, but your mental health and wellness will thank you

  15. Don’t stay in your dead end job and go to school, trades or something.

    I was making 150-200K/year and it kinda set me up, but now at 42 I have no marketable job skills other than climbing heights and hanging from ropes to do basic repairs in sketchy areas.

    I don’t mind the work, but it requires traveling and with a wife and kid I don’t want to be stuck traveling.

  16. Your dog bleeds a lot when he gets cut because he has an auto immune disease and not because he has high blood pressure like the vet told you

  17. It’s not your fault, you deserve a good friend and partner and not [ex]. It’s a good idea to take that new job (I did take it I was just nervous). You’ll find good friends.

    Keep walking the dog and praying, that’s really gonna be helpful.

    Buy BTC, vote libertarian every election.

    Thanks for all the good decisions you will make about health, money, friends , and taking care of yourself/us.

  18. Stay in touch with your dad more. Your time having him around is gonna end faster than you think.

    Speaking of time, people aren’t joking when they say time moves faster as you get older. Make of that what you will.

    Also, I understand you want to move out again, but give it another year to save up money and pay off all your debts. Also, lifestyle creep is real, so don’t let the extra income from your new job go to waste. Something something keeping up with the Joneses.

    Take a vacation. Yea, I know you never thought about it. Just go somewhere for a few days to a week. Hell, maybe make it international. Having nice stuff is ok, but the experiences from travel are timeless.

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