Disconnected from old friends

I used to have three close personal friends in high school. We started becoming distant some ten years ago. This happened mainly due to entering into relationships with women (not meant to be seen as bad mind you!) and moving around the country.

After my long term relationship ended a couple years ago, I started trying to reconnect with them. We chat primarily on discord. We still all like to play video games so it was an easy beginning.

Anyway after a couple years here the reconnection failed. It seems priorities just aren’t there for my friends to try and have anything like we once did. I get it – people change, some of them are in families now, and we still live hundreds of miles apart.

I am struggling to completely accept this loss, as I didn’t want to lose the chance at rebuilding with them. But… I know I have to move on. Anyone got advice for this situation ? I think the proverbial advice is to just make new friends…

Problem I find is I don’t find many people I really want to be friends with, even though I think people like me well enough. The idea of not having the friends I wanted I think is holding me back from moving on.

  1. When you were in a relationship you didn’t have time for them because you spent it with your SO. They are probably currently in that situation themselves. Do you expect them to spend less time with their families to prioritize you, just like you didn’t? Not sure if I understand what you saw as a potential reconnecting situation here.

  2. My priorities. Which I understand are not theirs. Which is why I’m looking to move on.

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