So I’m a 17 y/o girl, and there’s this boy I like (17 y/o). I’m just gonna call him Jacob. I’ve known him since 6th grade. We’ve talked here and there, but never gave our numbers to each other out numbers. We’re not friends or aquantances, but we’re not peers either. I guess we’re in between peers and aquantances. Well, we used to be somewhere between there.

Lately, we’ve gotten closer l. It started in second semester of 10th grade (we’re seniors now btw). And although we’ve known each other for a couple years, we’ve only gave each other our snaps, which is fine with me. We have a lot of things in common like wanting to start a family, becoming a business man/woman

The thing that I’m scared about is his history. He doesn’t have one, Idk if he’s always been a good person, I’m not sure if he’s dated someone before me, I don’t know if he didn’t. If he did, I don’t know if he cheated. But maybe he does have a history and he’s slowly getting there. I still really like him though. But I’m not sure if he likes me back.

Should I wait till we get to know each other better, or should I just ask him out? And what are signs that I should look out for?

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