So to get to the point, I basically have 0 luck with women. Im 21, a virgin, never had a girlfriend. In the past I was really shy and quiet when it came to girls. But ever since I left hs I took to improve on myself socially, physically, mentally, etc. I also get more looks and attention from women. I feel 1000 times better than I did a couple years ago. I can talk girls easily but when it comes to dating or things of that nature it never goes my way.

When I approach girls I’m familiar with who give me constant looks and stares, everytime I see them, they always tell me they have a boyfriend. The girls that do like me and give me a chance we end up stop talking after around a week or less and it dies out. I even had girls come up to me and ask for my number but then they don’t even text me, barely, if they even do. And it’s so confusing to me it’s almost like I’m cursed. I’ve never met another guy who has these amount of opportunities I’ve had but all of them dying out.

I had another one of those experiences today it honestly bummed me out for the rest of the day. I’m honestly just embarrassed at this point. I always try to focus/distract myself when stuff like that happens but it really hard when I have not experienced anything with a girl still. My friends I hit the gym with all have a gf, even a friend of ours they tease regarding girls recently started dating a girl from the gym. Meanwhile I’m trying and constantly failing

I don’t have any mental or physical medical issues that hinder me, so no real excuses, I’m just unlucky asf.

What am I doing wrong? What can I to change my luck? I focus on myself and let girls come to me naturally but that rarely ever happens. I go out of my way to talk to girls casually or dating wise 0 success again. Is there anything I can do to distract myself?

(TLDR: I have 0 experience with girls nothing ever works out with what I do or try. I feel embarrassed that I’m still on stage 1 regarding women even though I try anything and everything.)

  1. Are you on dating apps? I can help you build a profile that’s appealing to women. Message me anytime 🙂

  2. Ask a platonic female friend if you’re coming off differently than you intend.

  3. Are you actually asking these women out on dates? I think you’re stuck in getting women’s attention but not taking it a step further and actually dating and getting to know them. It sounds you’re expecting it to happen magically but most women will not be the ones to initiate that so you have to

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