Do you really need that pick-up truck you own?

  1. I don’t own one, so no. If I did need one, I would get one, because there’s nothing wrong with that, despite your hostile phrasing.

  2. After I blew up my Hyundai Tuscan at 100k miles by towing with it, it was determined to be necessary.

  3. Yes, how else can I assert my dominance to the other peasants on the road

  4. Yeah, I haul all sorts of stuff in it, it fits my whole family, and it’s comfortable as hell.

  5. I grew up in a small town, so I used my truck a lot. It was “small” s10 pickup and I used it for work on the side. Removing brush, hulling rock, repairing fencing.

    I ended up getting a car for daily commuting for work and I didn’t do the side stuff so much, so I sold it.

    Personally, if they remade the small s10 I would probably get it again. It has a nice balance of bed space, without being giant. So many trucks now are just huge.

  6. I don’t own one.

    I am quite happy my friend and neighbor has one. He definitely needs it. It’s a tool of his trade.

  7. I go fishing a lot, usually from a kayak. It could be done with another vehicle, but I prefer my smallish truck. It’s quick and convenient to load. When I go wading small creeks and get wet, my smelly clothing and gear get tossed in the bed so the cab doesn’t get stinky. Same with any fish I might catch, although I strap a cooler in back so they don’t go bad on the way home. Then there are the occasional purchases of bulky items. I can take them home in my truck instead of bugging a friend with a truck or possibly paying for delivery.

  8. Many years ago I owned a small pickup.

    At the time most of my friends had sports cars and I had a huge 4 door Buick. I was always stuck being the designated driver.

    A pickup was the only two seater “car” I could afford at the time.

    So yes, I needed it so I could responsibly get drunk more often.

  9. Need? No, I suppose not. Makes life a lot more convenient though. I’m over 6 feet tall and 300 pounds, so small cars aren’t comfortable for me. I prefer trucks and SUVs for comfort, and trucks are more versatile than SUVs.

  10. Technically, no. But hauling concrete pavers, retaining wall blocks and lumber isn’t really practical in a Nissan Versa. Have to make too many trips.

  11. More appropriate question wins maybe be: “Do you really need that oversized SUV?”

  12. I don’t own one- I don’t own a vehicle right now at all, because it makes no sense for my lifestyle. When I did, and lived elsewhere, the people who had pickups used them for a lot of stuff- hauling trash to the dump, running errands, getting supplies for their home, etc.

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