People just assume the worst about me. I try to be chill, easygoing and friendly but people always feel the need to say something dumb about me and misrepresent who I am. They’re very comfortable saying mean things straight to my face about my appearance and crossing boundaries when they don’t even know me.

In highschool I wasn’t popular, im sure people didn’t think I was a cool person because I wasn’t, I was awkward and didn’t try to fit in. Back then nobody said anything to my face but i’m sure they thought generally negative of me.

In college, people were way more open to being my friend and it felt a lot less judgmental. Everyone has quirks that might make them weird but I was accepted and liked for mine.

After college those same people still like me but as I meet new people and move into my professional career, people assume i’m some freak. I get told I resemble a serial killer or a school shooter. Like who says that to someone? I have so many close friends who never ever though that of me and now all of a sudden i’m this weirdo that gets judged like that? I dress good and keep clean, I always have a good haircut, I take pride in my looks, I go to the gym. I party on the weekends and I love music and going to the beach. Normal guy things.

I’ve always had RBF and thick eyebrows which maybe has something to do with it but damn since when did people get so comfortable with openly offending me in this way? I’m such an easy target to be made fun of to these people too as if I did anything to deserve that. I never get angry but they assume i’m an angry dude. I’ve done nothing to prove that to be true. People are comfortable with telling me i’m small and pale and any trait about myself I don’t like.

Do you guys think I do something in particular to deserve this or is this just what it’s like to be an adult?

1 comment
  1. Tbh people always don’t like to put effort into someone to make comments about them. It seems like there are certain micro behaviours that make people subconsciously feel or think in some particular way … So I don’t think I can give any direction without knowing a specific record but try to be pretty, people are ganna judge you by your appearance, pretty privilege is real(maybe not right but looks is the only thing people can work with in an early stage of extraction)…

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