Men , how did it feel when your girlfriend cooked for you for the 1st time?

  1. I am quite an accomplishes cook, I could not fight the urge to stay in the kitchen because she had said she could not cook good before.

  2. Like a rite of passage. My girlfriend is a hell of a cook, it felt like a new form of love. One that I will NEVER take for granted.

  3. Only one possibly ever did, over 40 years ago. If she ever did, I forgot about it. I got rid of that cheating slut.

  4. She told me that she might not have pulled all the feathers out before she cooked it. I felt suspicious.

  5. Nice, awkward lol. First big thing I remember was one Valentine’s Day my gf, now wife, made me blueberry pancakes in the communal kitchen in her dorm

    They were amazing, I just always feel awkward when ppl do things for me. For context: I’m a large guy who essentially learned to take care of himself at a young age just prior to puberty. As context, I’m so used to it at that I have a problem with ppl doing things for me

    Eventually I got over myself and just appreciated it

  6. We were so into conversation she burned it, ended up calling in for pizza.
    Been together 17 years now, she improved!

  7. We were teenagers and I had went and stayed the night with her for the very first time by ourselves while her mom and sisters were out of town for the night. And the next morning I woke up and she wasn’t in bed, so I went downstairs and I saw her in the kitchen cooking away. And while she was cooking I stood there watching her without her knowing and even after all these years I remember that she was trying to be quit, and when I finally snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and I gave her a kiss she said “you weren’t supposed to get up yet, because I wanted to surprise you.” And she also told me to sit down and she jokingly said “I know it’s gross, but eat it anyway” so not only did it make me feel good because she did something sweet and special for me but it also made me laugh.

  8. Weird. We usually cook together, but the 1st time her cooking for me felt weird, as in I didn’t know what to do at that time.

  9. Having a girlfriend cook for me always felt great when it happened. It showed at least some level of caring and interest, from my perspective. With my current girlfriend, I was impressed by how much her cooking had advanced over the years. I originally knew her a few years ago, when she was still a college student with relatively limited money and time, and her dishes, while good, were correspondingly pretty basic. We fairly recently started dating, and by now is done with college and has her own job, and makes some more complex, even sophisticated, dishes. She also considers cooking to be one of her favorite activities, and I love how it shows in her food too.

  10. Met in high school where we both worked at a burger joint. The first thing she cooked at home for me was hamburgers and she burned the crap out of them. I mean asphalt in the outside and raw on the inside. She likes to put things on high to speed things up. I had cooked thousands of burgers and thought it was funny. 35 years later there are so many things I love about her but she still can’t cook.

  11. Ten years in, and still waiting. Lol.

    She absolutely refuses to cook, so I have no idea exactly what kind of kitchen trainwreck she actually is.

    I cook all the meals, and I love it.

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