Hi all. I (28f) fell in love with a coworker around August (32M) . Not only did I fall for him, my kids did too. He seemed to be a great match for us. He was amazing . But then he changed. He started being rude to me after I was two feet in. Fast forward to today, I found out I am pregnant with his child . We’ve been hot and cold for a little while now. But anyway, I went to tell him about the pregnancy and first thing he said was “get rid of it”. He also told me he started talking with his ex from his 20’s . A girl he said ruined his life and never ever again would he get back with her. So I called him out on it. Long story short he said she’s the girl he wants to be with . And basically me and kids didn’t mean anything to him. And that he will never get back with me ever again. (That’s fine) his loss. And he doesn’t want me having his child. At this point I don’t want him back, his ex can have him. But what I don’t understand is how someone can take on a whole ass family and then dispose of us with no remorse. Especially demanding me getting an abortion like if he has any rights to my body. As I was leaving he said “WAIT! your carrying my DNA, I need to know what you’re going to do”. I said , “ i guess you’ll eventually know”. And I walked out. Mind you that I’ve been nothing but loving to him, even praising him. Every time he treated me like shit, I would apologize for upsetting him. I’ve never seen so much evil in one’s eyes like today. Like bro, you messed with a whole ass family who loved you and took you in. My son adores him. I wish him and his other ex luck. But “ His DNA” that I’m carrying is also half mine. He’s straight crazy if he thinks ima jump for him this time. -Respectful a MOMSTER.

  1. wow that is a whole new level of asshole i have never heard of. you may wish him well, i sure as hell dont.

  2. Oh damn thats hard. How long did you guys know eachother? And why not use protection?

  3. Sounds like a grade-A sociopath.

    Good on you for chucking him to the curb.

    I wish you nothing but the best! Good luck!

  4. >Every time he treated me like shit, I would apologize for upsetting him.

    Next time if someone treats you like shit, leave them, ok?

  5. Does he have money for child support? You should think twice if he’s broke and there isn’t a viable option to get that child support.

  6. He sounds awful, but some of this is on you. You’re having unprotected sex with someone you haven’t known long, and you apparently brought him in to your child’s life really quickly. You need to learn from this – keep people away from your kids until you’ve been together, and stable, for a long time. You need protect them from getting attached to bad people or people who aren’t going to stick around, and this time, you failed to do that.

  7. Here’s some advice you’re not able to hate anybody that you don’t love the moment he said he would never ever get back with her is red flag.

    You don’t get back with exes.
    Having to specify how much you will never be with someone it’s always a red flag.

    It’s completely your body your choice but if you do have the child he’s basically going to be in your life forever I would strongly consider the abortion while you’re still able to

  8. You need to slow down. You’re 28 and have kids with at least 1 guy who you’re no longer with. Now you’ve been seeing this guy for less than a year and already have him around your kids enough for them to bond with him. To top it off you’re pregnant again.

    Don’t date coworkers. Stop introducing short term relationships to your kids, it’s damaging to them to have guys yo-yoing in and out of their life. Use several forms of birth control (IUD, pills, spermacide, cup, condoms, injection, patch) since you apparently can’t figure how they work.

  9. Idk maybe you should have an abortion cause otherwise you will always be tied to him

  10. If you want ANOTHER child whose father is out of the picture, you are free to do what you want. Don’t expect him to help you financially or any other way, though. I think you already know what kind of person he is. He’s an asshole and shouldn’t be in a relationship, ever. As for you, it’s time to grow up. You already have kids from your previous relationship, and now you are pregnant again with someone you didn’t even know. Think about your kids’ future a bit.

  11. Some peoople are just like that. They hate themselves so much that they need someone to lay that burden on. Never allow anyone to treat tou with disrespect. I am sorry you are going through this

  12. Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Judging by all you’ve said no way in hell would I have that child. He’d make your life hell and in turn the child’s. Forever tied to hm. My opinion.

  13. He is a bad person, yes…

    But I don’t really agree with the „MOMster“ thing :/

    If you really were all about your kid(s?)wellbeing you wouldn’t be bringing another one to this world like that.

    Take care of the kid(s) you already have…

    This is not the time to be petty ….

    „eVEnTuAlLy yOuLl fInD oUt“ …. That’s not a serve…:/ you’re bringing another fatherless child to this world.

    Please reflect on your actions. They really seem irrational… it takes more than calling yourself a MOMster

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