fellow men who had anhedonia (lack of emotions/feelings and pleasure ) , how did you overcome it ?

  1. Over come it? Why would I want to become a cry baby bitch that lets emotions dictate my decisions?

  2. I dunno, it’s a weird concept.

    it’s like, I was experiencing emotions, happiness, sadness, anxiety, anger, excitement.

    then, for a while I just didn’t.

    and then I did again.

    it wasn’t essentially a huge issue, I just, lacked the ability to care about anything for a bit, it didn’t really effect me, I was just apathetic, and went about my day.

    instead of, “oh shit the dishes need to be done imgonnabelateforwork, oh shit oh shit oh shit the fucking bills”

    it was, ” I need to do the dishes, even though I’m going to be late to work or I can’t pay the bills”

  3. I’m curious though, I mean sure it is really not a great state of mind but it still is some sort of defense mechanism to better support an excessive weight of mental problems.

    So if I wasn’t emotionally numb, would I instead have constant panic attacks or a constant depressed state of mind ?

    It’s like, choose your evil.

  4. I wouldn’t say I’ve really overcome it, but to the extent that I do feel emotions it’s not like I made any conscious action or decision.

  5. stopped taking that particular medication. that was a wild couple of weeks, though.

  6. GF repeatedly punched me -> no feelings

    GF grabbed a knife to cut off my balls -> feelings

    Pretty simply, really.

  7. L-theanine helped me, but mine was medication-related. You should probably go to therapy or see a psychiatrist. Or both.

  8. Buy a motorcycle. You’ll feel something alright. Oh yeah and un case you don’t well you are on a motorcycle. Have fun.

  9. Talk to a Dr you may have diminished serotonin and they got medicine for that

  10. I don’t overcome it. I simply get dragged through life by depression/ a lack of pleasure and can’t wait for the day this pointless life comes to an end

  11. Found the root cause of the problem (kept hanging onto my first love even though she didn’t give a shit about me). Once I let go, the feeling was liberating after a few days of grief. This happened recently so I’m only started to experience emotions again slowly now.

  12. My first comment was about a motorcycle but let’s get real tho.


    I may have something similar to this. I am not sure exactly what it is but I lack emotions specially anger and sadness. May friends has said I am a Stoic or a psychopath and others has said i am dead in the inside. Just to clear about a few things, I do have hobbies and love to eat food and enjoying life in general. There are things that give me pleasure in life. I am happy. I do get bored of somethings eventually. I do not think am depressed, its not like i am stuck in one place and everything feels like emptiness.


    Here is what the issue, If someone is mad or sad about something and they feel like i should be too but yet i do not show this emptions at all. “Late for a concert because of traffic” for me it is ” oh well there is not much i can do about it”. I do have empath for others, i mean my careers is in helping people in the healthcare area and my community.


    I don’t feel any weights on my shoulder. I am able to talk with friends if they are going through some hardships.

    I am able to keep a cool headed in situations that others may be in a Panic, anger, sadness and/or guilty because i lack this emptions my judgement is not clog by them.


    Is there something wrong with me?


    Maybe but honestly if i was i guess alright and had these emotions, I will be crying and kicking around because life has been unfair to me. I would be trap in sad story that i feel emptiness to it. Popping pills because that is that right thing to do.


    I am ok not having these feelings.

  13. anhedonia? shit that’s a weird way of pronouncing depression.

  14. Being more engaged in what I’m doing. If I’m sitting on my couch scrolling Reddit all day, I’ll feel blah. If I have a podcast on while I do literally everything, same effect.

  15. It went away with the depression, it always does.

    Basically when i get depressed i need to “hit rock bottom” or i guess a local minima. I get disgusted by myself, start hating the depression more than the actions i need to take to get out of it and by that point i’m already not depressed because i’m planning how to crush the obstacles to my well-being. Then i go out and remove said obstacles ( often in my mind ).

    At one point i realised that the right action for that depression was therapy, and i went to therpay for two years, so it’s not like i’m saying it’s easy. But it maybe is a bit easier for me because i can channel all my rage and intensity at whatever i need to do, and a lot of people just dont have that bottomless pit of energy to pour from.

  16. By realizing I had them the whole time and I was too stupid to understand what any of them meant so I just assumed they never existed.

  17. You can be clinically depressed without knowing it.

    Anhedonia is a symptom of depression.

    You might want to seek out professional help.

    No disrespect meant.

  18. I guess opening up about it. Talking about it, trying to get to know myself better. Made me realise that I was blocking my feelings from myself because they were just so darn scary. Took me a while, but now im getting better at feeling again. Im so glad I can cry again omfg

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