Got introduced to him through a friend and after months of not having sex I was down to do it with him, he looked cute in the photos and seems chill through text. Met up in person and he was MY TYPE, like personality wise, so I was quite turned on by him. The first thing that was off about him was how long I was giving him head for, it felt like forever but in reality was probably like 30 mins. He finally fucked me in the pussy but didn’t even bother prepping me (ie. not giving me head or even fingering me), luckily I was quite turned on so it wasn’t too much a problem. We finished and the cycle repeats, he fucks my mouth for gods know how long and I asked him to fuck me in the pussy cuz frankly my mouth was getting tired. Luckily we had a cuddle session after this one but in the end I had to give him head again, he claims he ran out of condoms so he couldn’t fuck me again and that it was our last round cuz he had to do something. He gave me a bit of pampering right before I left like giving tons of kisses, hugging and being all touchy and giving compliments. I didn’t think much of it and just thought it was his way of showing affection.

Fast forward a couple days, he and I are still chatting, little check ins here and there and at some point I realized I dont often come around guys who are my type, so I gave it a shot and asked what he was looking for. Mentioned that a girlfriend is on the market and we started discussing about it. And this is the part that disturbed me, he just kept on bringing up fucking my mouth and that he would use me whenever he pleased. I thought that since is just hypothetical and him being horny that it was just him expressing his kink. But even when were discussing what we expected from our partners in a romantic sense, it was all he brought up. Gave him time but it always went back to me sucking his dick. He also mentioned how he wanted me to suck in front of our friends and even in public. I am personally not comfortable engaging in those type of acts in public and told him that. I pretty much gave up the “potential gf & bf talk” and just tried to figure out what he wanted sexually. But all I got is that I “live to serve him” and that I should be happy to suck his dick. He started to say things like “dont be mad” or “dont ruin this” and I was just pissed atp.

Idk but I kinda feel used by this man and feeling that he didn’t even saw me as human but rather just a fucktoy is beyond disgusting to me. Like the fact he couldn’t drop the idea of me being his fuck toy for a second is just unsettling. Idk some part of me feel cheated and mainly confused as to how or why someone would act like this?

TLDR: hooked up with a guy, sex was mainly him receiving head and didnt do much to reciprocate, talked to him out side of it, he then made comments about wanting to fuck my mouth multiple times and wanting to use me, now left confused and disgusted by this man’s behavior

  1. he is a user, he does nothing for you. and “only 30 mins” blowjob?? thats a session! congrats!

    I have similar kinks to him but theyre not the only thing and its only good if its wanted from the other end too. move on 100%

  2. You can be hypersexual without being a horrible person. You can be a horrible person without being hypersexual. Whether he’s hypersexual or not, the horrible person part is a much bigger deal. Don’t see him again

  3. Not hypersexual, just an ass.

    Sounds like he’s an attractive looking dude with an oral fetish. He also sounds terrible at sex and wouldn’t be a giving partner at all. Usually, if a guy isn’t trying his best for his first “performance” it’s not going to change. The pampering at the end was to put doubt in your mind that maybe he isn’t all that bad. He might not be a bad person, but he is a bad lover.

    He also sounds misogynistic as fuck with the “live to serve” line. Feels like a guy pretending to try to be a dominant with no real idea what it entails.

    On the off chance, the slim as hell chance, that he is hypersexual he’d be best to avoid regardless. The way he talks shows that he hasn’t put any work into his supposed hypersexuality. Someone who is hypersexual and hasn’t put in the work to improve themselves is going to be a painfully hard time for whoever involved.

  4. idk what you mean by your type but he’s certainly not. he doesn’t sound like a hypersexual, more like a potential abuser. stay single, stay safe!

  5. Seems like a very uneven start to a relationship. You can’t know what is comming later, but it’s probably not you lol

  6. Being hypersexual doesn’t automatically mean you’ve got a freeuse or public exposure kink, and it certainly doesn’t automatically mean you don’t care about your partner’s pleasure, or about your partner as a person outside of sex… Even if it’s the case, it doesn’t excuse the rest.

  7. He’s not hypersexual. He’s using you for blow jobs, which he told you. You are a mouth to fuck, which he told you. He wants NSA blow jobs from you whenever he asks with no expectations of owing you anything in return, which he told you. There is nothing to be confused about. Either you are cool with this or you aren’t. He’s hoping that you’ll be cool with it!

  8. “Idk but I kinda feel used by this man and feeling that he didn’t even saw me as human but rather just a fucktoy is beyond disgusting to me. Like the fact he couldn’t drop the idea of me being his fuck toy for a second is just unsettling. Idk some part of me feel cheated and mainly confused as to how or why someone would act like this?”

    What did you expect?

  9. Do not waste anymore time with this fuckboy. He seems to have absolutely zero regard for your needs and wants during sex. It’s all about HIS pleasure and HIS nut! If this is how he approaches sex, do you really think he’s going to care about any of your needs outside of the bedroom? I mean, if the sex was at least good, I would tell you to have fun but keep things casual, but even the sex sucks from your perspective. Whether it’s casual sex or a commited relationship, there needs to be mutual respect and an effort to meet sexual needs from both parties. End it, and find someone (a man, not a fuckboy), who has a healthier relationship with sex, and values your experience and pleasure just as much as his own.

  10. He is not hyper-sexual he is just *HYPER-SELFISH.* People like that tend to be selfish beyond just the bedroom, so do urself a favor and cut him loose. He is not into u, but into finding someone who would put up with his mediocre performance while u do all the work in the bedroom, and he doesn’t even have to do any of the relationship work, which is why he told U “don’t ruin this” (he meant-don’t ruin this for him.)

    (As an FYI, I am a woman and my FAV thing is when my husband facefucks me, so I am not just saying all that to U bc I don’t like that particular item on the menu.)

  11. He just wants you to fulfill his sexual needs. Drop the idea of a relationship he doesn’t respect you but if you like being dominated sexually go for it but its not good for your self esteem

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