I went to a strip club last night and got to know a perfomer who was really cute. When the club closed, we decided to hang out a bit. He was so nice the whole time, truly a gentleman – he even borrowed me his sweatshirt when I was cold and just stayed shirtless (he had nothing under his sweatshirt). We talked for like two hours on a bench on a bus station and then we decided to call a cab to go to his place. We slept together but right after we finished he started acting really weird. Later I went home and then texted him about it – like how it was uncomfortable for me that he totally changed his attitude suddenly. He said that he’s just not used to sleeping with people the night he meets them and that it makes him act weird. I said that I’m sorry about that and a few minutes later he blocked me. Now I feel really degraded… I kind of miss him because he was so cute and we got on well. I still smell him on my skin. I feel bad about having sex with him because before we did it there was such a good vibe between us. Does anyone think there’s a chance of us ever seeing each other again?

  1. lol his attitude changed immediately after he blew his load? shocking lol. he has waaaaay too many options to want anything but extreme casual.

  2. So you hooked up with a male stripper and wonder what happened? These guys get laid more than anyone else in this world.

    He said he never sleeps around with women after meeting them for the first time? 😂

  3. His statement: “He said that he’s just not used to sleeping with people the night he meets them”.

    The truth: He is used to sleeping with women the night he meets them and he is used to blocking them after. You slept with a male stripper the night you met him. You got played.

  4. Male strippers are very attractive guys who have zero problems getting laid.

    He was not interested in you after the one night stand. You continued to ask him what happened. He had no choice but to block you.

    Many, many women hit on him.

  5. I didn’t realize women also fall in love w strippers and think they’re actually special too.

    Learn something new everyday. Good luck moving on, you’ll feel better soon.

  6. Girl please, you two had sex , he is not interested in having anything else to do with you.

    Why are you feeling degraded? Is not like you didn’t enjoy it.

    Anyways move on, what’s done is done.

  7. “I went to a strip club last night and got to know a performer”

    Um, people who work at strip clubs aren’t looking to “get to know someone” or they wouldn’t be working as an escort/stripper lol. If anything they’re (indirectly) looking to get objectified/have sex, but nothing more.

  8. You don’t know this person at all. This isn’t even a friend. This was a person you talked to for a few hours and had sex. You didn’t even know him for 24 hours. Expecting anything from a stranger isn’t good. Strangers don’t know you or care about your feelings. You really need to open your eyes to reality. This was not a friend, friendships and trust are not made in a few hours.

  9. He wanted a hook up and was out. He is now just saying things so he doesn’t feel bad. I would not become emotionally invested in him.

  10. why do i have a feeling that this guy just wanted to get inside your pant and once he got what he wanted he ghosted you. I know you are hurt but it is what it is. Next time be careful whom you choose . This guy moved on and will probably find someone else and do the same and say the same shit. He moved on from you so should you. Sorry that you had to go through this.

  11. Maybe you should have got to know him more over the course of a month instead of let him hit on the first try. In general as a guy I don’t look for relationships with strippers, or of girls. That’s the last place you look for potential partners.

  12. Respectfully, you had a one night stand with a stripper. I really wouldn’t expect much in terms of commitment or consistent communication.

  13. I’m going to guess this is probably a very common thing for him, he likely takes a girl home each night from the strip club.

  14. OP…. tee the fuck up. you are not making good dating decisions if you want an actual relationship, and it sounds like you would like to develop a meaningful connection with someone. so find someone who has told you that’s what they would like as well. meeting a sex worker at their place of employment and sleeping with them while knowing absolutely fuckall about them is definitely the least productive way to do that.

  15. >Now I feel really degraded… I kind of miss him because he was so cute and we got on well. I still smell him on my skin.

    Well, cut out this “smelling-him-on-your-skin” stuff, never catch feelings for a ONS! They are meant to be fleeting, like a circus in town for one night only. So enjoy it and move on.

  16. Hope you didn’t raw dog with him. He did it with you he probably has done it with hundred of others.

    I schedule test for STD’s

  17. You are expecting too much from somebody who is a stranger and not in a committed relationship with you.

    Keep one night stands one night stands. Don’t go into it with any expectation thinking that you’re going to see the person again. You both got what you wanted out of the situation, sex, now it’s time to move on.

  18. I am gonna assume you don’t get much action or else this wouldn’t be such a difficult concept to understand.

  19. It’s either because he is a male stripper, or that’s post nut clarity with a power level over 9000.

  20. No… it was just him wanting to sleep with you. Those male strippers ? They sleep with a new girl every night.

    My friend dragged me to one of those shows and the hottest guy in it – literally came up to me and propositioned me straight out.

    I asked him- if that’s what he does… it straight offended me.

    It reminds me of celebs when they get super big and just assume everyone is going to sleep with them because everyone does. They get straight out rapist mentality almost and have no idea they do. It’s gross.

    He also most likely has a girlfriend he is seeing – was probably fighting with. Or she was out of town or something .

  21. 1. Get tested.
    2. Get a therapist. You were blocked by a guy after sex and you’re wondering if there’s a chance of you seeing him again? There must be some unpacked trauma in your past that you need to sort through if your self respect is so diminished to want this man’s approval. You would greatly benefit from talking to a professional.

  22. He just used you for sex the fast you realise this the better what do you expect from a guy you meet in a strip club

  23. You got what you asked for lady, a one night stand. Be it a lesson for you to go slow and get to know someone before you go all vulnerable and intimate or be ready to be hurt in all sort of waya

  24. ~~borrowed me~~

    Loaned me*

    He’s a male stripper… probably does this all the time tbh. It’s kinda part of the job. Unreasonable to think this type of one nighter would lead to something more. You’ll be alright.

  25. Stop sleeping with men you don’t know on the first night. Most times it never ends well

  26. “ I still smell him on my skin” lol Take a shower. Why do you have any investment in a guy that you just had a one time sex fling with? Take a shower, wash your sheets, and get tested asap. Some one night stand who works at a strip club should not give you a these feelings. An std on the other hand…

  27. >he even borrowed me

    Lent u

    >Does anyone think there’s a chance of us ever seeing each other again?

    Yes, if u go to the club u will see him there.

    How do u know he blocked u?

  28. Breaking News: Community SHOCKED and BLINDSIDED when a man disappears into puff of smoke after getting his dick wet.

    “We just could not see this coming!” exclaimed one aghast resident.

    “He seemed like such a nice guy.” cried a man who was, oddly, wearing a clown costume.

    More at 11.

  29. You got pumped and dumped by a male stripper, who probably sleep with different girls every night

  30. He’s a male stripper. You were just some fun for the night and he had no intention on anything further. You texting him about how he changed and acted different in his view was a red flag because you were a little too emotionally attached.

  31. I get bonded and attached through sex. If you are the same kind of person, you NEED to be waiting longer to weed out the duck boys.

  32. hey,

    i’m going to tell you something i wish had been said to me when i was younger. he’s gone and he’s not coming back. it’s done. it sounds like you might have rushed into solidifying an emotional connection that wasn’t really there by sleeping with him. it’s a painful lesson and i’m sorry you had to learn it. if it seems to good to be true, it probably is. you have to give someone a real chance to show you who they are, and that’s not going to happen in a couple of hours.

    you’re allowed to make an emotional investment when you sleep with someone. sex is personal and not everyone is built for hookup culture. there’s so way to know that about someone unless you discuss it with them, and if it feels uncomfortable to discuss you probably shouldn’t go any further. it doesn’t really help now, but i hope it helps you in the future.

  33. He’s a stripper. He knows how to fake a connection. He knows how to seduce. My guess is he just wanted to hook up and you had feels

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