I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2 years now. Almost in the beginning of it, we decided that pills would be our choice for contraception. My boyfriend has a very high sex drive, and sometimes it makes me feel like I almost resent him for talking about something that I want not as much as him.

I guess I seek advice from women who go through the same or probably a perspective from men of this subreddit.
Thank you and have a nice day!

  1. Your sex drive is based on your hormones, hormonal pills change your hormones.

    Talk to your doctor about it and try a different hormonal pill.

  2. You need to change methods. Is he really so adverse to condoms? They suck ass but it’s better than destroying your pleasure altogether.

  3. Stop using birth control pills they are toxic.. Put it this way: anything that impairs fertility also impairs health, life, etc. Very simple. Your doctor will only give different poison.

  4. Copper IUD or condoms are your options. This is a notorious side effect of hormonal birth control. I fluent believe the increase in my wife’s libido within a week of her coming off of the pill.

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