I’m doubting like crazy..

((Possibly NSWF content))

Sorry for the many posts, but I’m doubting like crazy right now, and I need some guidance and help..

I (f) have always identified as straight, being attracted to men came naturally, and I remember already being slightly interested in men when I was in kindergarten.. I liked their attention..

Since growing up I have never once doubted my sexuality, I only had attraction towards men, only wanted to be sexually intimate with a man, being married to one, have a life with one..

And despite having no attraction to other women, I can recognise when someone it pretty, but I see them more as competition to the male gaze.. I guess and I compare myself to other women, get inspired by their clothing..

But now I’m confused.. I don’t have any attraction to women, but I’m a bit confused, since I was aroused by the idea of another woman being ‘thirsty’ it was over a boy I find attractive thought but still..

And that has made me wonder even more.. would I be aroused if another woman told me she was horny? That scares me.. I don’t want to be aroused by that.. and I find it uncomfortable.. but I’m not sure, if I’d be aroused in a scenario like that..

That can’t possibly be a straight trait can it? Because it’s making me freak out.. I have always been very confident in my sexuality of only liking men.. and I don’t want to be with a woman..

  1. whats the problem tho?

    are you one of those people that feels empathy quite a lot? sounds like either you have some attraction but more to me that they spark the feeling more than it being towards them. if makes sense

  2. >That scares me.. I don’t want to be aroused by that


    >and I don’t want to be with a woman..

    No-one is going to force you to be with a women – so you can relax on this one.

  3. I’m straight but there’s been times where I’ve been in a similar position, I will admit there are attractive men better looking than me ten fold but i don’t over think it as such, it’s alright to recognise such a things

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