Harry Truman was the last President without a college degree.

  1. I have a degree. I know it’s worthless. Send us another haberdasher.

    Actually. It would be really funny to replace the ruling elite with nothing but blue collar average joes only to see them accidentally fix everything because they don’t know they can rob the place blind if it’s in perpetual crisis.

  2. A degree isnt a sign of intelligence, so no.

    Capable decision making matters more.

  3. Not really, no. If you can’t figure out how to fake it for 4 years to get a degree, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to make it to the presidency, or do a great job at it.

  4. I totally agree that a college degree doesn’t imply intelligence or competency. I’ve been to college parties where I had to remind myself that all these drunk idiots are pursuing degrees.

    But like, doesn’t that make it an easy credential to get? It seems like such a fundamental indication that you’re willing to learn *something* in your adulthood, that I would be extremely skeptical of a candidate who couldn’t be bothered.

  5. You don’t need a degree but depending on the degree it does confer some signal that the person in question has the capability to learn new things efficiently which is a desirable quality for a leader.

  6. I’ll agree that a degree doesn’t automatically mean competence, however college is a great way to meet, interact, mingle with, learn from other people with other outlooks and experiences that could help make a more well-rounded and knowledgeable president.

    I’m not saying it’s the only way to get these experiences. There are many ways.

  7. Maybe, depending on what other credentials and experience they had. What degree does one pursue for a career in politics anyways, and what can you do with that degree besides run for office?

  8. I don’t give a shit whether or where anyone went to college. A Harvard Law grad is not inherently better than a high school dropout.

  9. Sure, why not? A degree doesn’t matter as much as their relevant experience does.

  10. No.

    There are diehard anti-intellectuals who will tell you that a modern college degree is meaningless or that “anyone could get one”. And, to a degree, the bachelor’s is what a HS diploma was considered back in Truman’s day. So, fair there.

    But if that’s supposed to be true, what am I supposed to think of someone running for one of the most important jobs in the country who *can’t* get their hands on one?

  11. It’s not a deal breaker but I really want to know what their life journey has been to make them qualify to be in the running in the first place.

  12. Absolutely.

    I’d be more comfortable with anyone though if they can prove they can comfortable ask for help when something is beyond them.

    If I’m going to ask for help changing the breaks in my car, I expect the president to ask for help when making world changing decisions.

  13. Like in most fields, real world experience and achievements should count for a lot more than a degree. That said, I have a hard time imagining a person with no college degree climbing to the top of the national political ladder nowadays.

  14. Completely comfortable, actually possibly more. The last thing we need is another Ivy league person in power. I am must more concerned with what person has done with their life than what their degree is. When is the last time anyone looked at the college work of a president or candidate?

    Would much rather, a small business owner, a crafstman, an artist or a mid grade enlisted military in charge a person who runs a nonprofit then any of the clowns we have running.

  15. Yes.

    But more important to me would be their proposed policies. Like ways to improve healthcare etc.

  16. Sure, but they’ll have to have shown some other degree of merit, like military career or trade school education.

  17. I would be. A college education doesn’t necessarily make somebody intelligent. I’ve met plenty of highly educated morons and plenty of very sharp people who just had a high school diploma.

  18. If they were otherwise competent and intelligent, why not? A big part of the president’s job is delegation. I don’t think a college degree is required for someone to know who to give what job.

  19. As long as they are not a Russian asset, and they don’t try to overthrow the country, sure no problem. We had one who’s daddy bought a degree for him and he wanted us to put a uv light up out butt to kill COVID germs so yeah degrees don’t really matter

  20. I wouldn’t rule it out. Completely hypothetically: if a career admiral or general wanted to run for president following their service, I think I would be intrigued enough to read about their platform. That’s the best example I could think of for someone who spend their live times making informed decisions, learning, listening to experts, and rising through the ranks (literally) without having a college degree.

    That being said, I also can’t think of another example career example for someone clearly well-educated on matters of national importance without a degree.

  21. A college degree doesn’t mean someone is smart. It means they were able to stick with a plan, and complete a series of tasks to earn that degree over a long period of time, which is an important quality that employers look for. The ability to show determination and not quit is mainly what I see as a recruiter. That’s why I prefer degree holders. It’s not necessarily because they’re smarter.

    Whether or not the information learned during that degree is useful, is an entirely different discussion.

    I’ve met accountants with finance degrees who are up to their nose in consumer debt entirely by choice.

    Having said that, I don’t think a president needs a degree. I think he needs common sense and the ability to heed the advice of his/her advisors.

  22. No. The President needs to have at least a bachelor’s degree. It’s literally the most important job in the country. I mean, come on. We have to have some sort of minimal educational bar. I realize that plenty of people can be well rounded individuals and become successful without a degree. It’s absolutely possible. But this is the President for crying out loud! Come on. If for no other reason than it SHOULD make you more aware of the larger world.

  23. No. We have all kinds of statistical data showing how it isn’t “just an expensive piece of paper” when we compare the beliefs and behaviors of people with vs without degrees. Formal education matters to me.

  24. I’m an engineer in R&D and my degree is an associates in a different field, experience trumps a degree every time.

  25. My partner doesn’t have a college degree while I have a masters and I will readily admit they are smarter than I am. So sure, why not.

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