For context, I turned 26 recently and am having a hard time facing a change in job/location, worrying about my relationship, anxieties about getting older, etc., and I was wondering whether this was a common experience…

  1. Bold to assume you’ll live to 100.

    Secondly, think pragmatically, you’re young I’m assuming no kids since you didn’t mention them. Get yourself into the best position you can career wise and start investing and taking care of yourself. Relationships and women will come a lot easier once you’re steady and if you want a family you can start one down the road. You’re not old, you have a lot of road in front of you. Take the chances now to grow, push yourself now because it’s a hell of a lot harder when you have people that rely on you.

  2. My entire 20s were a Quarter Life crisis. Because I dropped out of a Master program from a racist ass place. And I had to pick myself up from all of that. And had to run with whatever willpower I had left to manage the depression and get out of it.

    I never had thoughts about relationships, anxiety about getting older, because I didn’t have a job, and I was not liking the 9-5 routine, but then I got into another graduate program and then Pandemic hit.

    I wish I was more mature, but I’m not. I’m still growing. It’s not easy.

  3. Gracefully embrace the aging process and take losses on the chin. They build character and mental resilience. Me losing a finger, made me 10X stronger mentally and I’m thankful for that experience no matter absurd it sounds.

  4. At 26, I started making over $100K for the first time, i dumped a GF who was not good for me, I bought my first Porsche, first awesome condo, became alcoholic, started “dating” a bunch of different girls after trying tinder for the first time, moved a girl and her daughter into said condo, became extremely alcoholic, went to a detox center and sobered up for a little while.

    Definitely a quarter life crisis and people told me it was too lol.

  5. For me, it was just an age of transition.

    Everyone focuses on growing up and all, but the mid 20’s are the first point in life where you move from constant changes to relative stasis – you’re not graduating to the next grade anymore and stuff like that.

    So it became a time where I really had to affirm the long term identity of myself instead of being used to my short term reputation

  6. At 23, a woman 22 years older than me tried to cheat on her husband with me. Sent me into a crisis it took a few years to really get out of.

  7. Dog, this month is the hottest month on record and it’s only going up—you’re at midlife right now

  8. Kinda yes. First time one got no ”junior” discounts on flights and stuff. I did not really do something special, but I was a pretty fragile and emotional time of my life.

  9. I ended up in a job I hated. I lived by myself and was basically always alone. I got so depressed that going to the supermarket seemed like a monumental task.

    I went on a holiday and that was enough of a boost for my mental health that I was able to turn things around afterwards.

  10. For me, it was at age 23 when I graduated university and started my first big boy job. The commute was long, there was quite a bit of evening/weekend work involved, my boss had it out for me, and I didn’t even like the work I was doing.

    The worst part was my closest friends were all still in uni (all took an extra year), and they were still living the student life and it felt like none of them could relate to transitioning into the life of a 9-5er. The reality that I worked my ass off for 5 years to get a piece of paper that qualified me to become a cog in a machine hit me hard.

    Dating at that time was an uphill battle as well, one girl I was seeing literally passed me over for another guy (this was the **worst** thing that happened to me at the time), and it messed me up so hard that I spent months without being able to date successfully.

  11. I decided that I didn’t like being a man anymore, and changed gender. There was a big element of “I don’t want to get any older, as a man”. Not like suicidal but like, why waste another year letting myself be less happy than I could be

  12. When I began hearing people my age getting married or passing away. It makes me realize how quick life is happening. It’s getting harder to feel young.

  13. I woke up at 26 looking around at my situation and feeling like I should be further.

    I think it’s normal man.

    I feel like it’s around 26 men start to realize they are not kids anymore, and start trying to figure out how to be a secure and successful adult.


    It happens more intensely at 30. I got stupid serious when I turned 30. I am more on my level now than ever before.

  14. Shoot I’m 36 and almost daily why I chose my profession but I also am entrenched and feel like it’s too risky to leave.

    Learn to compromise lol

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