This is a part two of the previous post but just in case you didn’t read that first post there is a TLDR at the end. First off, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who offered their advice and insights. You all really helped me see things from different perspectives.

After reading your comments and taking some time to think, I decided to have a serious conversation with my girlfriend about the affair. It was an emotional and difficult discussion, and I let her know that I was deeply hurt by her actions, especially the fact that she slept with my cousin’s husband while we were on a break. She broke down in tears, apologized profusely, and assured me of her love for me. She expressed a strong desire to stay together and work things out.

I told her that in order to move forward, we both needed to come clean to my cousin about what happened. Surprisingly, my girlfriend agreed. We approached my cousin together, and when the truth came out, it devastated her. She was furious not only with my girlfriend but also with her husband. She asked my girlfriend to leave her house immediately, so I took her back to her place.

Currently, my cousin and her husband are in the midst of sorting through the aftermath of this revelation. He’s sleeping on the couch for now, and they’re having some intense conversations. It’s a painful time for them both.

As for my relationship with my girlfriend, things remain incredibly complicated. I’m still struggling to decide if I can overcome the betrayal and give our relationship another chance. She’s been incredibly apologetic and has taken steps like blocking my cousin’s husband, which does show her commitment to making amends.

She explained to me that the affair was more of a rebound fling during our break, an attempt to cope with the separation, and that it didn’t hold any deeper emotional connection. While I appreciate her honesty, I’m grappling with whether I can truly move past this and rebuild the trust that was shattered.

In the midst of all this turmoil, my cousin has informed our families about what transpired – her siblings, her parents, and even my mom and dad are now aware. Understandably, they’re furious at my cousin’s husband, but their feelings about my relationship are more mixed. Some are advising me to break up with my girlfriend, while others believe that marriage is worth fighting for and that my cousin’s husband should be held accountable.

I’m incredibly torn right now. I’m still standing by my cousin as she navigates this painful situation, but my own feelings towards my relationship remain in flux. It’s going to be a tough journey, and I appreciate all the support and advice I’ve received from this community. If anyone else has been through something similar, I’d love to hear your stories and any advice you might have.

TLDR: Dated my girlfriend for 2 years, broke up briefly but still talked, decided to give the relationship another shot. Discovered she had an affair with my cousin’s husband during the break up. Uncertain how to feel – technically not cheating, but the family involvement is upsetting. Wondering if I should tell my cousin, who doesn’t know about the affair due to her husband’s secrecy. Family is religious, making it more complicated. Looking for advice on handling the situation.

  1. You will never be able to trust her again.

    At least she has taken responsibility for her actions, so you will hopefully be able to end it on amicable terms.

  2. What? You’re willing to stay with someone who does that to your family members all for some revenge? Honestly, anyone willing to involve themselves in an affair isn’t likely trustworthy. So have fun getting cheated on.

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