Been out of a very long term rl since a year. I tried dating and getting hookups but nothing lead to anything as I am still to hung over my ex.

Now I still starve for intimacy but its more like of the type of wanting to cuddle with someone be it watching a series or in bed for sleep. Hell even a long hug would be wild.

Is there even a market for something like that lol? Never saw that on dating apps and guess someone asking just for cuddles is weird.

  1. So like FwB for asexuals? Any guy who will agree with those conditions, will secretly hope for something more to happen. The only way that would work if you were going for asexual guys/christian guys saving themselves for marriage. And even then, the possibility for feelings to develop from either side is quite high, because if you spend a lot of time in close physical situations hormones are bound to act up and feelings will get hurt. My advice would be to NOT try it.

  2. Are cuddle groups still a thing? I feel like I saw that shit on CSI or something years ago.

  3. As a guy, I feel like maybe a FWB situation would suit that best probably and just be straight up about what you want… Me personally if a girl said something like that I’d be down, but also wouldn’t be exclusive…

  4. Idk how many guys would do it but I’ve done it with friends. Cuddling, watching a movie, and some kissing and hugging.

  5. Literally all I want right now. I don’t even want sex. Just someone to hold me. Of course real dates would be nice too. But I don’t think I’d ever be able to separate physical intimacy and feelings.

  6. There are dedicated cuddle meetups for this purpose! Look to see if there is one in your area.

  7. No

    there isn’t

    Cuddling is an intimate relationship/dating activity. It’s always going to lead to relationship feelings or sexual feelings. And since you don’t want either of those things…you’re deluding yourself into thinking you can have one without the other.

    You need to let go of the past and start dating…or you need a FWB

    Those are your only 2 options

    My advice?

    Get a dog

  8. In my last semester, I finally met a lovely person who was all in for cuddles. We got into a FwB and some kinks without the actual fucks. It was a wonderful few weeks that I miss so much.

    I still question myself if I did the right thing by moving out – it felt as if our destinies literally provided us the opportunity to be together and I blew it up. She was planning for her masters abroad, but got rejections from everywhere. As a backup, she converted her bachelors into a bachelors-masters dual degree spending just one extra year. I too was done with my thesis work, but the writing and submission remained, and I had the opportunity to extend my stay there, and spend more time with her. I moved out and decided to do it from home. And now I keep wondering if I blew up the opportunity to spend some good time with an awesome person that life literally threw at me.

    The gut feeling that I relied upon was just this that even if we did spend another year together, it’s ~~likely~~ certain that we will be moving away from each other for the next couple years for further grad studies. And while we vibed a lot, another gut feeling indicated that we won’t be long term partners once all the rest of compatibility comes into the relationship. Somewhere, I felt that we were just awesomely kind to each other and willing to accomodate each other, especially since we were just supposed to be friends. I felt I should just let each other drift apart, and let us find each other again if we were actually meant for a long term relationship. It hurt much even with just a 2-3 month FwB, I cannot imagine the pain if it were another 6 or 12 months! I just feel f*cked up for thinking like this.

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