Hi im 29f and my narcissistic partner is 25f
We have been together for 4 years. We met online and we spend together for a month.( i traveled to her country and stay there for a month) At the begging everything was great except she was hiding her relationship from her parents. I was going through tough times to escape a naraisistic parent. I move out of my parents house, going through house to house untill i find my own place. Her parents find out that we were together and they threatened. They gave her a choice and she choose “not to be with me” and yet we were still together. I was unsure when she gonna dump my ass but she keep telling me won’t leave me.Then i got diagnosed with clinical depression and i had two suicide attempts. I ended up in a hospital for weeks. I overcome that regardless of her saying to me that im a burden and my life is a joke. She started working and all the time it was about her feelings, her plate, and became abusive. She will ignore me, giving me the silent treatment, she keep saying she will change. When she was with her parents she would toss me aside like a piece of trash. Like i don’t exist. She keept making me like i don’t exist. Every time we argue is my fault, threatening me that she would leave,(manipulating) making me shaking and scared ill be alone. She would cancel plans with me so she could go out with friends, family, heck even her cat was more important than me. I was just there to comfort her and give her attention. Every time when i argue that her behaviour is bad and tell her that the way she treats me is bad. She saying she would change, go to therapy, and then she goes back in her ways. Treating me like shit. I couldn’t hold it anymore and i told her that we are done. She said its not fair that i am breaking up with her, because every time when we fight she wanna break up. And i told her you if you wanted you could have. I told her it doesn’t matter who, we done. And she caught me in a vulnerable place and i gave her another chance. Go to therapy, see where you made hurt me (hoping she is not naraisist). And then puff she is gone rarely saying anything. She wanted control over the situation. Now she is gone, showing me she doesn’t care. Everything i say she ignore and i don’t know what to do. (sorry for the long post)

  1. You block her on everything and never talk or see her ever again. Then you take all that energy and focus on your mental health.

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