I work at a very large financial company that is always on the list of best employers. I have a friend who I met while working here on a different team I used to be on (same department). Let’s call her Ruth.

Ruth left the department a couple of years ago and has changed jobs twice since then. The job she has right now isn’t working out and she wants to come back to my department and possibly my current team before she is fired.

I mentioned this to some people on my team and in my department and they all said the same thing. She spends too much time talking about her dating life and not enough time on her job.

I have to admit they have a point, but she’s depending on me to help. I’m not willing to put my own career on the line by pushing for her and her not working out. Do I tell her the truth that she has become persona non grata here because of her lack of boundaries and work ethic?

I feel like I’m being a jerk since we are friends but my career is on an upward trajectory and I don’t want to risk it. What do I do?

  1. It’s no brainer, tell her the truth.

    she has no problem performing the actions she shouldn’t have a problem with someone telling her about how her actions affect other people.

  2. Tell her you mentioned her interest to the people in her department, now she’s going to have to take it from there. It isn’t your job to shepherd her application, you did your Friend Duty which was to pass along the info. The rest is up to her.

  3. Yes, tell her, be straight with her. If she values your friendship, she will appreciate your effort and honesty. If she gets upset about you not being willing to sacrifice your career for her, it’s time for you to consider how much of a friend she really is. You’re not responsible for her feelings nor her career

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