Men of reddit who achieved the American dream. How was it and what did you learn once you got there?

  1. Start saving as early as you can, make progress with jobs / stocks where possible, and get a property as soon as financially possible. Invest early and be patient. Good luck, and enjoy the journey. America has a lot of problems but also a lot of opportunity. If you do well enough, try to help family, friends and then people you don’t know personally. Make a positive difference.

  2. My parents basically carried me with generational wealth. I got an apartment and a house which I’m renting both paid. Making very good money as a passive income thanks to them.
    I just realized how important having a support structure is. Im still young like mid 20s and shit but it’s so important to have a support structure like it really does all start at the home. Your ppl uplift you, you in turn uplift them and the next generation, who then covers you but also takes what you built to uplift themselves even more, etc. it’s actually really nice

  3. I grew up dirt poor in the rust belt. I am now a homeowner, good retirement fund going for being in my 30s, and my tattoos are more expensive than most peoples CAR.
    I’ve financially outpaced my friends by a wide margin, and some of them are mad about it. They think having the amount of money I have would fix all their problems, but what they fail to realize is. DOING the thing to get the money causes OTHER problems. I work too much, 50-60 hour weeks. I hate it, and it just adds more money to the pile. They seem happier, even if they have financial problems, just because they have time to enjoy their lives.
    Having “Made it,” I am strongly considering taking a lower pay position with fewer hours and less stress. The financial freedom I have comes with cages in other ways.

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