I currently am living with my parents as I had to move from my apartment 1 year ago due to issues with the landlord, it was a great place, but sadly he turned out to be a wife beater so could not stay in a place owned by that type of character,

I am living with my parents, but its made me not want to go out and meet women, I been lazy, and I reverted back to my teenage ways – I honestly feel less confident etc. I dont know if anyone here has felt that way – but I feel like its the root cause of my issues.


  1. Nope. The right woman would understand. The economy is garbage right now. There are plenty of valid reasons to live with parents.

  2. No there isn’t anything wrong with living with your parents. Unfortunately, some girls can be superficial about that but I don’t see a problem with it.

  3. Oh absolutely. I want to rant.

    To say it all in one small sentence, my parents are Christians. That’s all that really needs to be said.

    Essentially if you weren’t dating to marry the person which is something that I wasn’t even ready with the last relationship that I had currently had my kid with, then it was your dating for the wrong reason, and you should break up. Just constantly that energy. And my mom was a tomboy, and did not like/trust girls so no girls were allowed to genuinely hang out as a friend. Now that last sentence hindered me severely when it came to just hanging out around girls. Let alone dating.

    And to top it all off when I moved out and had to move back in because of financial reasons. As an adult it wasn’t respected but I just wanted to go on dates and have fun.

  4. Yup, I’m someone in a similar situation and it’s made me hesitant to date because I’m embarrassed. I had some serious health issues and even though they are under control, but it’s the source of a lot of insecurity about dating someone.

  5. If you have strict parents who treat you like a kid, it’s unbearable. The ones with parents more relaxed and allow you to be an adult, dating for them will be treated as normal.

  6. This will limit your options. Women want men who are independent and can support themselves.

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