
Why literally everyone on Internet is saying that the US has become crap, third world country and has an extremely bleak future. Is it true? What are your opinions? Will it be a good country to live in according to you in near future ( just your opinions ) ?


  1. I think that in the near future (5-20 years) America will be doing just fine. It will continue to be the global superpower and I’ll continue to sit on my porch and look at the mountains enjoying a drink in the breeze.

    People need to calm down with the doom and gloom. Invite your friends over for dinner.

  2. >Why literally everyone on Internet is saying that the US has become crap

    They’re literally not. However, once you start watching videos that say this, the algorithm will continue to show you videos like this.

    We’ve got our issues, but we’re far from a “third world country”, and our future is as bright as ever.

  3. We have a very serious drug addiction problem that causes many other issues.

    Nobody has much of a plan that will work. As these drugs are incredibly addictive.

    Obviously, the despair of this is hard on many people.

  4. Anyone who thinks America is a third world country has never been to a third world country. Water comes out of the faucet, the lights work, grocery stores have more food than we can eat, food waste is immense, etc.

  5. There are numerous countries with a higher suicide rate. South Korea is a notable example.

  6. two unfortunate things are happening here:
    1. yes, suicides did hit a high last year. mental health is a real problem in the US. here’s a news story about it: https://apnews.com/article/suicides-record-2022-guns-48511d74deb24d933e66cec1b6f2d545
    2. grifters on social media are telling people who don’t know better that the world is falling apart, our cities are burning to the ground, and the civil war will start any day now. it sounds urgent and exciting, doesn’t it? but unfortunately for Tim Pool, most Americans live a normal life with ups and downs in a stable country with more convenience than ever before.

  7. A youtube video that references the Daily Mail a British *tabloid*.

    I’m gonna go with ‘You need some better critical thinking.’

  8. What do you think is more likely? One of the wealthiest countries in the world has become crap, third world, and extremely bleak…


    Somebody who makes money by getting clicks and views is leaning on the dramatic to get people to watch?

  9. There are major problems within the U.S., as well as within most nations. There’s no set future that anyone can accurately predict as to whether things can improve, stay the same, or get worse. However, in 2023, life in the U.S. can be pretty good for a lot of people.

  10. Have you ever asked “everyone on Internet” for sources and factual documentation?

  11. No. Videos showing how normal and boring day to day life is for most of us aren’t going to rack up views.

  12. > Why literally everyone on Internet is saying that the US has become crap

    Literally everyone huh?

    > third world country

    The only people who say this is are Europeans who have been to neither or are deliberately speaking in bad faith.

    > Will it be a good country to live in according to you in near future ( just your opinions ) ?

    Good is subjective, but yeah, living here will continue to be pretty good for quite some time.

  13. “Why literally everyone on Internet is saying that the US has become crap, third world country and has an extremely bleak future”

    You are in some seriously messed up internet echo chambers if you think everyone on the internet is saying this, and that it’s even remotely true.

  14. If it were the case would videos like this be popular?

    Do I watch videos on water being wet? No.

    Loud, controversial opinions get views.

  15. > literally everyone

    This isn’t true. You should know that.

    > the US has become crap

    > third world country

    > has an extremely bleak future

    You don’t believe the things you’re writing here do you? If so, it’s [confirmation bias](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias). In my honest opinion, the problem lies with you, unfortunately. You’re ignoring contrary information while searching for information that supports your ideas about the country. It’s not just you though, this includes the people whose video you shared, among many many others.

  16. lol, fence sitting Timcast. Most of what passes for this type of discourse is picking at scabs, professionally.

    The suicides are the result of cultural struggle and cultural malaise. There are lots of people, like you…who can’t see a future. Yes things are getting “worse” and the government goes from crisis to crisis telling you the wold will end tomorrow but that is actually kind of a normal condition. Global Cooling. Cuban Missile Crisis. Berlin Wall. Hell, fucking Malthus’ the Principle of Population is from 1798!

    The only “third world” parts of the US are grey area cities with progressive leadership and everyone who is a functional adult can still flee to greener pastures. Cities like Gary, Indiana have been like that for decades. This is a mirror of what the excesses of the 70s created. Look at older popular fiction like Soylent Green or Escape from New York.

    Things suck but that’s “normal”.

  17. Should we believe everything they say about India when people put out those same videos maybe?…

  18. I know enough about British media to know 1) boycott the *Sun* because of the Hillsborough disaster and 2) The Daily Mail is full of shit. On purpose.

  19. No, because immigrants such as my parents flee to the US because their country really is a crappy third world country with a bleak future.

  20. Literally every European person comes to this sub and asks stupid questions. Is literally every European a moron who can’t differentiate between reality and social media algorithms? Does literally every European think that what they watch on YouTube is factual? If so, I literally have a billion dollars to give you, you just have to send me a million dollars first so I can ship it to you.

  21. I’m assuming many of these people have never visited an actual 3rd world country.

  22. I can guarantee you anyone who says “America is a third world country” has spent exactly zero seconds in a third world country.

  23. The U.S. has plenty of issues, and there are many, many things that I full-heartedly believe that we need to improve on *yesterday*

    That said, the U.S. is not the ragged hellscape that various video and content providers are desperately trying to convey (looking at you, BoredPanda).

    I’m in my mid-30’s and yes, things *could be much better,* but to describe the U.S. as a third-world country is pure ignorance. The U.S. had a giant population, but (more importantly) is a highly diverse nation in terms of cultures and values. Yes, it’s going to have some major issues that don’t effect nations such as Sweden or Japan. I mean, duh.

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