Nightshift workers of Reddit, what’s the worst/weirdest thing you’ve seen while on the job?

  1. Not seen but heard. Random coworker asked me if i ever fucked a pregnant woman before. This would be an ok question to ask if i actually talked to this person before.

  2. I was once working the drive thru at a Taco Bell and 2 girls drove up around 3 am. As I take their money, one says “Do you like her tits?”
    Odd question, I thought and only half paying attention with the headset in my ear, I responded simply “yes”.
    When I turned back to give her change, I saw the passenger, now topless, and the driver says “Do you like them now?”
    What else could I say but “yes” again?

  3. Love triangle between cousins

    They were drunk and started fighting at a neighboring hotel and somehow ended up in our back lot. More fighting, they ended up drinking themselves out and slept in our back lot for a few hours.

    Cousin 1 (F) was dating cousin 2 (M), 2 was Bi and liked 3. 3 (M) didn’t care about 1 and wanted to be with 2, but 2 liked 1’s job and things like that.

    LOTS of domestic abuse. No idea why but guys get violent as hell in hotels.

  4. Had to escort a guy out for master-bating on the gaming floor. Fun times.

  5. Worked as an overnight manager at a hotel. We had a little person convention. Ever see 20 or so little people skinny dipping at 3am? I have.

  6. I work for a large IT company. There’s a good chance you use our services. Had a tech smoking meth on shift, selling it in the parking lot, and was using the company computers to traffic it. This guy was in a 6 figure position with fantastic benefits.

  7. Parts of a body shoved in a sports bag, found very close to a kindergarten.

  8. When working at FedEx, a box opened and it was brought to the Quality Assurance area to be repacked and relabeled. We had to immediately call security. Turns out it was a 30lbs box of 1.4 million worth of cocaine. Then a few hours later someone calls looking for that box and we’re able to describe it, who dropped it off, who was supposed to receive it and then asked if they can pick it up.

  9. When I was or king at a BK when I was young and working the closing shift, another guy and the manager and I were smoking out in the bosses car and I saw shooting sparks from over a hedge by the road. I went to check it out and it was a motorcycle crash. There was two guys and the driver missed the curve at high speed and hit the curb and launched himself and his buddy. The driver grazed a phone pole and the climbing peg ripped through his waist. Then he hit the road and slid face first with no helmet for about 15 feet or so. He left a pink trail were his face ground off.

    His buddy wound up on the curb and sat up. His right eye was popped out and dangling on his cheek. He was ok otherwise as far as I could see. When the ambulance finally arrived the driver guy was still gasping for air for some reason. They rolled him and everything from his forehead hairline to his neck was ground away flat. No eyes, brain exposed, gaping hole where his mouth and nose should be and throat exposed. He died before they got him in the ambulance thankfully.

    That was super wild to see and experience while stoned out of your gourd! After they took our statements, we went back to the cars and just sat there freaked out for a bit and then smoked another few joints and went home. By then it was like 3 am and I had classes in the morning at the college.

  10. Oh my gosh I worked graveyard for 23 years in Boston. Lots of people jumping off the bridge into the channel. Smash and grabs. So many drunken people banging on my door “are you Uber?”

  11. I work at a hospital. See meth heads and illnesses that always make you go “damn.”

  12. I saw so many things working second and third shift at different companies. There was a guy who flashed a few women and topped it off by jerking off next to the chip cooker. At another place a guy came back from break and brought a prostitute with him. At the same place another guy would pay the local streetwalker to give him a BJ by sticking his junk through the fence. One guy came flying into the parking lot, hit 3 cars and just clocked in like nothing happened. He got fired before he made it to his machine. I locked a drunk supervisor up in the shop to keep him from getting caught. Have a lot more but those would take too much time to explain.

  13. Skunk coming out from underneath my car to eat the food I left for the stray cats that were at my old job.
    I was maybe 3-4 feet from it

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