
a little bit of context
my ex broke up with last summer and i am derpessed since then. finished fall semester very poorly, and took a academic leave in the middle of spring semester. Currently, Im taking medication and working with psychiatrist. Since I took an academic leave, I started spending more time with friends and with her( lets reference her as X). last couple of month we’ve become closer and I was venting everything what was happeining in my life. I feel very comfy around her, she became a really close friend lately.
So yesterday during a trip, she confessed her feelings. I was kinda suspecting that she has a feelings on me, but ive never really considered her as gf. And I dont really have that passion that I had with my ex. I asked ” do you really want me a broke, broken person who is still missing his ex? ” she answered ” if there’s a little chance that we can be together i wanna try”. I really couldnt reject her and after discussing some matters I agreed to date. But i feel really bad, because I do not feel passionately about her. And I asked her to not tell anyone that we started dating.

\*\*TL;DR; : Started dating a friend, not sure about my feelings.
Going to ask her to keep our relationship in secret for 1-2 months, to see if this gonna work out or not. What do you think I should do here?\*\*.

I tried to keep the post the post dense as possible, if you need any clarifications i’ll answer.

  1. By not feeling the passion, do mean you aren’t sexually attracted to her?

    And by asking her not to tell anyone is it because you are embarrassed about being seen as her boyfriend for some reason?

    Honestly, I think you are either a nice guy that didn’t want hurt a friends feelings or you’re an asshole that’s using her knowing nothing will come from it.

    I’ll assume the former and say be upfront with her now so she doesn’t go through what you are going through due to your breakup. It sounds like you know she isn’t a good fit for you.

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