I think they look cool as formal wear. Not sure about when they’re appropriate, though.

  1. Too short. I would look much better in a long skirt because it would make me look even taller.

  2. >What do you guys think about kilts?

    They look comfy.

    >Ever worn one?

    Nope, more of a dress kinda guy (Not in public tho).

    >Do you think you could rock a kilt if given the opportunity?

    Bitch, please, i rock everything i put on.

  3. I put them in the same category as bow ties: I’ve seen *other dudes* pull it off and make it work, but I’m pretty sure I couldn’t. I’d look silly.

  4. I understand it from a cultural significance perspective, any other occasion is silly and attention seeking behavior.

  5. Every American I have met that has worn one has always been a little off socially. Fedoras and fake leather trench coats are also in their wardrobe.

  6. I haven’t worn one nor am I interested in wearing one. But if you want to, go for it. Who am I to judge?

  7. I’ve owned kilts, worn kilts, and I’ve even got one in my family tartan!!

    Kilts are dope, they’re comfortable, they’re warm in the winter and cool in the summer, awesome range of movement and air flow, honestly if I had the choice they’d be a regular part of my wardrobe! I don’t have a bad thing to say about them!

    Kilts are fantastic. If you know your family’s tartan (should be easy enough to find in this day and age) you can get a kilt made in your family colors, but solids like black and khaki are good choices, too.

    Five stars, would recommend.

  8. I have worn kilts on multiple occasions; traditional, modern, and even the great kilt. I find them to be quite comfortable, suitable for almost any weather, and I don’t really care if people think I’m weird.

    Honestly, I’d probably throw out all my pants, if practical modern kilts weren’t so expensive.

  9. I haven’t worn a kilt, but I’ve worn Indian men’s attire that is dress-like – chadr, dhoti, etc.

    I love it. It’s a tie to your culture and ancestry. And they’re hella comfy. I’d guess that applies to Kilts too in any setting.

  10. >Not sure about when they’re appropriate, though.

    As formal wear? Whenever you need to wear formal wear and have the appropriate accoutrements and kilt.

  11. I have a few, and they’re comfy as hell, but it’s not enough of a thing in America to wear one around without being *that guy,* so mine are mostly for Celtic festivals and the Renaissance faire.

  12. Think about em? Love em. Wonderful summer wear, some of the bleaker days in winter they’d probably require a lil extra accessorizing to be ok (depending on type), but still all around a good vibe, whether casual or formal.

    I have two that I’ll wear frequently, and a dressier one I got for my wedding. I also had a slightly more casual one that got stolen a few years ago.

    Though, I will say the ones I currently have are more modern in style.

  13. I know some guys that are big fans and even wear them for work and weddings and stuff. Works for them, I suppose.

    Personally I don’t want to give mosquitos access to more than they can already reach and they’re a problem for pretty much the entire season it’d be warm enough for me to consider a kilt.

  14. I grew up wearing kilts at formal events, etc. I still wear one for anything formal.

    Also, please note: The “Blackwatch”, “Gordan Highlander”, etc. Tartans are NOT universal how they are marketed in the US. Those are regimental tartans worn by the British military, and they are earned.

    Wearing them is no different that wearing a US Army green beret because you think it looks cool.

  15. I have four. I recently lost weight and they don’t fit anymore but I used to wear them daily.

    HIGHLY recommend

  16. 5.11 tactical has tactical kilts that I’m very tempted to buy. Also, I have a friend that makes kilts and was gonna see how much it is to buy one from him

  17. I got em, I like em.

    But… I live in a place where the locals wouldn’t make the distinction between a kilt and a dress, and would be more than likely to express displeasure violently.

    Which is a shame.

  18. Hard no from me. If it’s some Scottish cultural thing I give you a pass. Literally anyone else, I’m jusging

  19. I wore one for a Scottish friend’s wedding (all the groomsmen did). I was the only one that went commando, though. It was nice and breezy on a hot day.

  20. Literally just had a conversation about kilts with my spouse. She has two coworkers who wear them on Fridays. They rock the shit outta those things, too.

  21. Several years back I worked for Nike Corporate. One heck of a beautiful campus and you were allowed to wear anything at all, and folks did, especially in IT. Shorts, sandals, weird hairdos. So you guessed it, one guy in my building rocked a kilt to work everyday. I should add, the CEO’s office was also in my building.
    Great flash if memories because of this post and if you’re reading this Kilt guy, a big hello to you.

  22. Long ago I wore a kilt to a wedding. All the male friends and family members wore one, They were proud of their heritage. Family from Scotland came, it was a party!

    The ones who chose not to wear one regret their decision today. The Scottish have a long memory, lol.

  23. I love a kilt. They’re sexy, comfortable, and different styles can be dressed up or down. I’ve worn many.

    I have a black leather one now that I really enjoy.

    Funny story: was at a Renaissance Festival in a kilt, no underwear. And as I’m walking, I begin to feel some friction right on the ridge of my dick. I quickly realize this is going to become a problem walking around all day.

    Fortunately one of my compatriots had her mommy bag with her, which included band aids. So I go into the privy and slap a rainbow band aid on my unit. Problem solved, was perfectly comfortable the rest of the day.

  24. Kilts are a cultural thing, buy in my culture we don’t wear them, but I respect them for what they are.

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