What is your “fun fact” when introducing yourself in a group setting?

  1. Fun fact: as a kid we moved around so much that I didn’t attend any one school for longer than 2 years until college and had lived in 6 different states before turning 18 (Oregon, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and New York)

  2. I just talk about my cats so I can avoid talking about myself while people focus on someone more interesting

  3. Fun fact : i don’t like people………………..*awkward silence*……….that chew with their mouth open.

  4. I always say that I’m a graphic designer at an ad agency. People for some reason think it’s a cool job. To which I always have to break it to them that it is fact not very cool at all…

    I blame Mad Men.

  5. Fun fact: I might be tall, but I SUCK at basketball. If you want to win, make sure I’m in the other team.

  6. I once told a group: “I can’t stand cocaine, but I love how it smells.” It was equal parts confusion and chuckling.

  7. When I’m meeting someone in a professional setting, I prefer to break the ice with “what was the last concert you went to?”

    It’s not political, usually won’t get a weird look, and it opens them up.

  8. Who “introduces” themselves in a group setting and who would do something as weird as use a “fun fact”? This sounds like something from grade school lmao.

    The downvotes show that some people are having to actually go through this garbage and for that I’m really sorry.

  9. I have brain damage, and my short term memory is shot. So I’m probably not going to remember any of your names

  10. “Fun Fact”: I feel akward as hell in group settings, so no fun fact.

    “Hi I’m Maximus Decimus Meridius, nice to meet you”.

    That’s all you get.

  11. I’m the Kazoo Kid, from the memes. I almost never open with that in a new group though. I usually wait a few months at a new job before letting that out of the bag.

  12. That I’m honestly a really boring person, set the bar low. Under promise and over deliver. Charms them every time.

  13. About myself or just fun facts? If the ladder, I choose any of the below:

    * Kangaroos have 3 penises or 2 vaginas.

    * Wombats poop little cubes.

    * Duck penises fall off after mating.

    If you mean the former: I know a bunch of fun animal facts!

  14. I look young in person, so people always jokingly ask me my secret to youthful looks, and I always say it’s baby carrots….. rectally

  15. People ask me where I’m from. I can honestly say nowhere. Dad was in the Army and then I joined the Navy. My first 40 years was spent traveling. I was born in Germany and lived everywhere else. I claim the St. Louis area as home because my grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins all live there but I’ve only ever been there to visit.

  16. I was born with a broken collar bone from being a very large baby. People usually find that pretty interesting.

  17. A pigeon will only eat a Starburst if you chew it up a little bit first. Just to clarify chew the Starburst not the pigeon.

  18. I am the half identical, half fraternal brother in a triplet set of brothers (the other two are full identical).

  19. Two truths and a lie:

    I killed a homeless man “in self defense”

    I used pomeranians to smuggle heroin to Mexico

    I hate seafood.

  20. Reddit is 80% teenagers pretending to be adults or are adults with a severe case of Arrested Development.

  21. Either

    A: i can solve a Rubik’s cube in under 30 seconds


    B: I’ve been in Keith Urban’s Pagani Huayra

  22. Meh…. I have a twin….. and or I’m Mexican even though I’m pale and people mistake me for anything but

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