I 24m got my heart broken by a co worker. She told me she’s broken, needs to heal, has no interest in a relationship, and 2 weeks later started dating another co worker. I called her out on her lies and got gaslighted into feeling like a complete piece of shit. It’s been 3 months and it still hurts. They are already talking about getting married and I’m just so sick of seeing it every day. I want to pack my stuff and just run. Does anybody have any experience with packing up and moving far away? Was it the right decision?

Is running away from something the right choice?

  1. I’m so sorry. Heartbreak fucking sucks, and you’re co-workers on top of that, *and* she’s dating another co-worker? That’s rough. On the bright side, it’s pretty unlikely that they’ll last. Rebounds rarely do, and dating co-workers is often a messy nightmare, for precisely this reason.

    Honestly, I’d look for another job. If you can afford it, take some time off, go somewhere relaxing, maybe just go home, but the sooner you get out of the environment they’re in, the sooner you can start to heal. Go no contact for your own sanity. Try to have as little to do with them as possible. She’s hurt you and lied to you, and while she doesn’t owe you anything, it’s incredibly shitty to start a new relationship right in your face like that and have it affect your work life. Maybe “calling her out” wasn’t the smartest move, but it sounds like she’s treated you pretty badly, and trust me, I went through a similar situation recently and I understand the impulse.

    I’ve known people who’ve been hurt by a relationship and moved to another country. Some of them seem okay, others seem like they’re just lost. Walking calmly away from your problems and keeping a dignified distance is one thing, sprinting full-pelt and going soul searching in Vietnam or Chile is another.

    It sucks to have to find a new job, but it’ll suck more to keep torturing yourself every day.

    Good luck buddy, chin up.

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