So this guy liked me. I am 40 and he is half my age. I have dated a younger guy before but not literally half of my age.

He would always message me etc and I could feel he was getting attached. I knew he had some depression because of a few things he would say and I didn’t want to let him down straight.

So I probably kind of strung him along….giving short or non committal answers and sometimes not answering.

I can’t even tell whether it’s me he likes or if he’s just lonely and wanting someone to love?

So yesterday I didn’t reply to a message and he said that he is erasing me from his heart 🥺

Today he messaged me saying that he misses me….what do I do?

Am I the asshole for not being more matter of fact that we couldn’t be together?

  1. No lol 😂 as a 39 y old who regularly dates younger, if they’re just sending messages and not tryna meet up they probably don’t even live on their own yet and are just using you for attention anyway. I have a few of these guys who just wanna send snaps all the time and it’s so exhausting and a waste of time and energy. As the more mature person in this situation, all you need to do is stop responding and move on. This isn’t your son it’s not your partner it’s not even your lover it’s a lost kid and you don’t owe them anything.

  2. Nah. You did it how you did it out of kindness, he didn’t understand out of immaturity. Ur right, he’s just lonely. His words are coming from a child’s heart. You’re doing the right thing to not talk to him.

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