Hey so I have a question for u guys.. me and this girl been talking for like a month and half and we been going on dates mostly 2x every week.. and the last time we saw each other was on Thursday.. and it was all good everything was good but at one moment she got up and went away from me and texted me saying come here after 3min.. I was like wtf and she didn’t talk to me at all until we got to the McDonald’s.. the next day she’s a bit dry and she’s distant, she turns off her location on Saturday afternoon.. she didn’t text me or anything until night saying idk anymore and I ask wdym she says about us.. she says that she been losing feels over the time but if u did why would u go on a date with someone u lost feelings for and kiss them or put their hand under ur skirt at the movies.. she’s 17 and I’m 18.. I just don’t get how she can be like this after all the things we did together.. we were planning to go to the CNE this week as well but she kind of put end to our stuff and when I ask her for closure she tells me stop harassing me and shit.. what did I do wrong ?

1 comment
  1. Up until the creating distance, nothing. Attraction isn’t something you can control like that. It comes and it goes and it sounds like hers has left.

    What we’re doing now is wrong and not letting her have the spaces she’s asking for and thinking that us dating her means she’s never allowed to not be attracted to us.

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