So you know in porn how most straight Male Female stuff is mostly just PIV and nothing else? No for-play, no other touching, just rough, vigorous fucking….well I finally get why that is so appealing.

My Gf (F27) and I (M29) have had to do a fair amount of practice and work to get our sex life to where it is now. I was always use to focusing on for-play and the experience of touch, lots of kisses and lengthy pleasure over jumping straight in to PIV. She on the other hand came from the quick and dirty PIV centric school of thought, and while both of our approaches are valid (both have a time and place) we’ve managed to find an amazing common ground. A meeting in the middle kind of thing.

Recently we’ve been experimenting with different positions, a mutual favorite is the legs on shoulders setting (look it up if you don’t know what I mean). I would go to try and kiss her or play with other things, but for one thing the pleasure would be so great and the angles would be off just enough to make it awkward….then two things clicked at the same time, both the intense pleasure of being so deep inside like that and the realization that in order to do anything else at the same time it would take a contortionist amount of work in order to make that happen. So I just let my mind go and focus on the pleasure and the thrusts and honestly….for the first time ever I understood how amazing that is….

Now i’m not saying this is for everyone, and honestly I still stand behind my “long and drawn out approach to pleasure”, over strictly jumping to and sticking to PIV….but sometimes…just sometimes folks, you just gotta ride the waves of mindless pleasure!

I’m curious to know what you all think about this! It could be a divisive issue, I really don’t know!

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