Alright so I have a girl bestie of mine that I think I have a crush on, (No, I actually have a huge crush on her) but the thing is she’s currently dating a guy who also happens to be my friend. I wanna tell her how I feel about her but I don’t wanna hurt her or my friend (her bf) or make them hate me, So I’m at a loss to what to do here.

Currently I’m of the opinion that I shouldn’t do anything about this and just leave it be for all our sakes because I love her too much as a friend too to lose her.

Just let me know what you guys think.

  1. Just tell her your blocking her as you’ve developed feelings and you don’t want to talk to her for six months so you can move on

  2. If I were you, I would not do anything about it. I would pull back from the friendship just a little bit (making her a good friend instead of a best friend) and try to meet more people and see who else is out there for you. But there are many ways to handle a situation like this one and I don’t think any of them are terrible. It’s not a one size fits all, you have to do whatever is best for you

  3. if you want to maintain both of your friendships don’t voice your feelings since she’s dating someone and won’t return them anyway, if you do they’ll probably cut you off. try to find a few things to keep yourself busy; studies, hobbies and such. if you’re close with the guy friend maybe you can tell him and say that you’ll be away from the two since you don’t want to harm your friendships. if i were you i would keep my distance until i lose my feelings, try to get the ick maybe.

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