So I should start this off by saying it is a very civil divorce. We both have our flaws and simply just were two people that don’t belong together. We were together for 7 years and had two daughters together during that time. During our marriage I noticed a few things about her that I had trouble understanding(we got pregnant a few months after knowing each other) . She is just cold, depressed and doesn’t get attached. I was presented with information that made me understand why she is this way. She informed me shortly after we split that she had a dark secret and I (regretfully) talked her into telling me. Shortly before her and I got together she was raped and moved to where I live because of it. Her family has no clue it happened and blame me for (31f) changes. My question is what do I do with this info? She definitely needs to get help. I have tried a few times to talk to her about seeking help but she shuts down. I’m worried about the effect her not seeking help will have on our daughters. Also quite frankly she is a good person who I care about.

1 comment
  1. Dang bro. Your in a tough situation. I’m not too sure what to do personally, but I’m here to boost. Best of luck, friend.

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