For women who are in the online dating game, how do you politely end things with a person you’ve casually seen for a few months?

  1. Tell them that you had fun but you don’t wish to take things any further. Since this example is dating for a few months and not just a couple of dates, you should probably give a reason. I keep it general and say “I think we want different things” or “I don’t feel like we are compatible for a romantic relationship” rather than pointing out specific flaws as I think it’s unnecessary and unkind. Then wish them best of luck for the future. I generally don’t offer to be friends as I don’t want to offer false hope and prefer to have a clean break.

  2. When you have the conversation, be honest with the other person about your feelings. Express your appreciation for the time you’ve spent together and the experiences you’ve shared. Clearly communicate that you don’t see the relationship progressing further and that you believe it’s best to part ways.


    (No, I’ve never dated anyone)

  3. Used to be an online dater. I always just was honest. “You’re a really nice guy, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you, but I think our time has run it’s course. I don’t think we are compatible long term” On top of that I’d sprinkle in “I’m sure you understand.” Or “I’m sure you feel the same” because in my humble opinion, that makes the guys feel like they have a say and they typically don’t argue back. I never left room for questions. Maybe that’s manipulative in some eyes, but yeah I absolutely always sprinkled in something along those lines to make it appear it was mutual, even if it wasn’t. They usually take the L just fine. In the event a guy did not take the L fine…I had no problem blocking him. I’d usually stay really nice and apologetic but yeah, if he got rude, he got blocked. Only had that happen a time or two.

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