I am a new grad and I joined a company recently. Despite me being an introvert and socially anxious, I always like to greet people in the morning. However, so far out of almost 10 individuals only 1 has responded to my morning greetings and it is frustrating. It is just 1 second, even a nod acknowledging it would suffice

  1. sometimes people are just out of it during the morning, unless you are sure don’t take it personally.

  2. Do the people seem more social/energetic in the afternoon? Most folks are NOT morning people. I’m definitely not and it feels like an exhausting chore to me to reply with my own “good morning”. Don’t take it personally.

  3. My god, can’t tell you how much I can relate to this! I always try to say hi to people at work too even though I am very socially anxious but there will be times when people just don’t for whatever reason. Maybe they just don’t hear you, maybe they feel like they don’t have to say hi back or even give a wave whatever it is people still do it and it doesn’t stop the fact that it hurts. It’s about being acknowledged that you even exist, that you matter just a little bit and to feel seen. But yeh, it really gets to me sometimes this. It doesn’t help that I’m also overly sensitive and take things to heart and tend to ruminate and get a overthink things very easily. Going back to my point, I hear you and can completely relate.

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