My (m28) wife (f28) and I have been together since we were 17. I was with a few girls before that, but I don’t specifically remember their feelings on the issue. My wife is “grossed out” by the idea of kissing me after I go down on her. It doesn’t usually bother me, but in the 11 years we have been together there have been times while in the heat of the moment when not being able to kiss her hindered the passion. Do most women share her stance?

  1. Everyone is different and has their own little quirks and things. Why don’t you try kissing her neck or her chest instead. You’ll be passionately kissing her but not her mouth so I see it as a win/win

  2. As a guy I would be worried if she thinks her own body is that gross. What don’t I know?

  3. I am like that personally. I hate kissing my man after he has gone down on me. Mostly because I am sensitive to smells and taste and I don’t like either. He seems to love it all, but I personally do not. Have you asked her why she doesn’t like it? or is her only response is “I find it gross”

    Though, even though I don’t like it. I will still kiss my man time to time when the moment is super passionate.

  4. It really depends on the person. I personally am not a huge fan. I know that I’m clean and all, but I don’t really enjoy the extra moisture in the kiss or the taste of fluids from down there. I enjoy giving head but swallow as quickly as possible to not taste it much. You don’t have that option in a long, drawn-out kiss.

  5. I don’t mind,it’s my bodily fluids after all. I don’t think I ever put too much focus on it since you’re just in the heat of the moment and it’s just like a way to pause for a second and then continue

  6. I actually don’t like this either. What about having a wash cloth handy to wipe your face off? For me it’s that it’s caught in the beard and just all over.

  7. No. I love it even. It’s personal. For me, there’s something about tasting and smelling myself on the lips and/or in the beard of my partner that makes me go feral.

  8. Wait, so…do you just not kiss for the rest of intercourse? Or do you get up to go rinse your mouth and brush your lips before you continue?

  9. As a woman I’ve never even thought that was a thing? I find it hot when my bf kisses me after he goes down on me.

  10. Some do, and some don’t. This woman thinks it’s hot. Women aren’t monoliths. Do all guys refuse?

  11. My girlfriend is the same way…once I go down on her, the kissing is over. Which means I don’t go down on her as much as I’d like, but I guess that’s (mostly) per loss. She also will not go down on me once I have penetrated her, which is less of a problem for me, although sometimes I like to go between PIV sex and oral sex, which is obviously not happening. Not enough of an issue is our relationship to make a big deal over, though.

  12. My personal experience with this is; I have had body odour issues when I was a teenager. I think it was my hormones and my eating habbits that made my body stink terribly. I also used to have a lot of discharge down there. It was so bad that I could smell myself when sitting down. I used to rush to the bathroom and wash my privates like crazy. It was just very very embarrassing. Now as an adult I don’t smell that bad, but I am still very sensitive to smells in general. My husband loves to go down there, and I tell him to not kiss me if it is possible, because even when I am super clean, it has a scent and taste. I told him the reason, and he is extremely understanding. I am not that strict about it, I just prefer it this way, and he complies. Maybe ask your wife why? If she is grossed out by herself for which ever reason, I think it is perfectly normal.

  13. Idk I’m the same way with my sperm so I don’t judge either way. Everyone has preference. Some people like the taste of themselves. Some don’t. Respect preferences and boundaries. Easy peasy

  14. I think there’s two types of ppl out there, ones that don’t mind their cum in their own mouth and ones that do. This goes for both men and women, I don’t like kissing my girl after she goes down on my and I’ve had homies who’s GF felt the same as yours

  15. No. Not at all. That’s my body. If anything it’s a relief when I go to kiss and it tastes fine and doesn’t smell 😆

  16. Absolutely! I adore the taste of our flavors mixing. He gets me where I need to be, I am going to try and suck his tongue out.

    That being said, it is a personal choice.

  17. If I could, I’d eat myself out. Also I love tasting myself on someone’s cock after they’ve been inside me. At least for me, kissing after oral is definitely not gross. I’d be pretty mad with my man if he didn’t kiss me after I went down on him, but it seems like a somewhat minor issue. I don’t think most women feel like this though.

  18. I don’t mind kissing him, but I have an issue with a wet face (mine). I’ve always been that way, I think it’s a sensory thing maybe? Any time anybody would kiss me, just a quick pucker kiss, I would wipe off wherever they kissed, whether it was lips or cheek.

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