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The mod-team wishes you a nice day!

  1. I needed to sleep for an important meeting today. Instead I wasted my entire night playing Baldur’s Gate 3. I’m a stupid.

  2. There’s been a lot of centennials these past years due to World War 1 and its aftermath. Turkey is about to turn 100 this year.

    But that centennial probably wouldn’t only be bringing up pleasant memories (like in some other places), especially for Erdogan.

    The Turkish War of Independence was the end of a century of conflict between Muslims and Christians in the dying Ottoman Empire. The various Christian ethnic groups weren’t legally equal to Muslims for a long time, and with these misgivings and the spread of ethno-nationalism, many of them wanted to rise up. This eventually caused quite a bit of bloodshed as the Christians would take out their anger on random Muslim civilians in the Balkans after winning independence by massacring and expelling them to create a more homogeneous population over the course of a century, and the Muslims retaliated by killing Christians in the regions they retained control.

    Eventually the Ottoman Empire strained from those revolts (often backed by Russia, self appointed protector of the Ottoman Orthodox or other European powers) dissolved under the strain of WW1. Large parts of Anatolia was originally gonna be divided up between the victorious Allies and the various Christian minorities (well mainly Greeks and Armenians) in the Treaty of Sevres. This probably would’ve meant some murdering and genociding of the unwanted Turks as is usual by this point. Well the Greek Army made that happen in practice too with the Turks returning the favor in the aftermath. Eventually, most Christians were expelled from Turkey through population exchanges and pogroms after the war. Muslims from the Balkans were expelled to Turkey, unmixing the various ethnicities at last.

    Except for that one Island of Cyprus that was chilling through this whole adventure, probably because the British were there and didn’t want trouble. The Island experienced alot of that same kind of violence after independence that lead to Turkey invading the Island in 1974. That population got “unmixed” too.

    As for the Turkish President and much of his population today, they seem to feel paranoid about foreigners wanting to carve up their country and want to act accordingly. Probably not completely unfounded as the various Western powers had a history of ignoring atrocities against Muslims in the region in the 1800s.

  3. Do you know that feeling when you are, let’s say, driving or are outside and hear a song you haven’t heard in a long time? It’s not something you would listen to normally, but if you hear it on the radio or in a pub, you think it’s a cool song. But when you listen to it again at home, it’s just not the same.

    I have the feeling that there are a bunch of songs I only like if I hear them in passing and by accident.

  4. I think there are suspiciously large amounts of Dutch and German vehicles on Finnish roads during summertime.

    You see a lot of Estonian and Swedish plates, and those make sense. They’re close, people have family and friends in neighbouring countries, they might work there, whatever. But after those two the ones I see most often must bee D and NL. It’s almost never French or Polish, not Belgian or Austrian. Dutch and German. Why do the Dutch and German people have such a burning need to hop into their cars and drive to Finland? It’s suspicious.

    Another thing, I wish there was a service where you could specify things you don’t want to see online and it’d just filter those out everywhere. News, Reddit, Instagram, whatever. Like, I’m sick and tired of seeing UFO shit all over my feeds. If an alien is not shaking hands with Joe Biden, I’m not interested. Same with these Donald Trump news, let me know when the verdict is in. I don’t want to see any of the bullshit between now and then.

    I’d pay good money for this service.

    Edit: this might or might not be inspired by something that literally just happened: I have no beef with you if you’re chilling by a lake naked taking in the breeze and the sun. It’s nice, I sometimes partake in that myself. But why you gotta walk around the forest with your dick out? Especially when it’s by a well travelled road in a spot where a lot of people stop to have picnics and shit? Put on your pants when you move from place to place.

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