My peers know me as the guy who is ugly, tall, very very very skinny, and today I volunteered for featuring in a promotional video for my university i.e acting. As soon as I took up, people laughed at my face, saying stuff like “have you seen your face?” or “don’t be disappointed, when you’ll be kicked out at the start” or “do you even know the A in Acting?”

They didn’t even have the guts to take up, (either they were shy or had no interest) how do they have such an audacity to mock me then?

I had many similar incidents, and I just smirk it off, but it hurts from the inside. Seems like I’m useless at anything I try to do. I even took dancing, sure I sucked at it, but does it mean I should be bad at anything that you can mock me for everything? Many times I have even backed out when I wanted to do something, just because I don’t want to face such embarassing situations.

What do I do or where do I go, where people value me for what I am, rather than judging the way I look or present myself?

  1. Being good at a certain activity is not a requirement to enjoy such activity. You can totally suck at something and still have a blast and ultimately that’s what matters. The sooner you get to that conclusion, the less restraints you’ll have in life. Your peers are nowhere near that realization, and may never get there. Smirk like you mean it: they’re missing out, but you’re not.

  2. This happened at college? WTF. That’s middle school behavior.

    If you are tall and skinny, they are probably just intimidated.

  3. They mock you in these endeavors because they are threatened by your willingness to try something new and put yourself out there. They are envious of your efforts of personal growth.

    What kind of activities have any of them done lately that are outside of their comfort zone? I’m gonna guess not many.

    Sometimes the people who you are the closest to are the ones that will try and knock you back down to their level if you try and climb out of the pit of mediocrity you’re all living in.

    Ignore them. Go ahead and do the things that interest you. You’ll meet new people participating in those activities that are likeminded and will encourage you rather than mock you. You deserve better friends and they’re out there waiting to meet you.

  4. I’m sorry you had to go through that OP :'( I think you should get some good friends who don’t mock you. And know that you are beautiful in and out and stand up for yourself more.

  5. Heyyy i completely feel you!!! Even I go through this a lot like a lot. People always mock or make fun of me about things that I’m interested in or like to do. One moment you’re feeling “yes, let’s do it I want to give a try” And few seconds later after all that mockery and fun you feel like “wait, maybe they’re right, maybe I shouldn’t do this”.
    They never leave a chance to discourage you or make fun of you. The worst feeling is looking low on yourself and stopping yourself from doing things that you like or love to do just because you let those assholes words affect you.
    So please do not stop yourself from exploring and doing things that YOU love to do. Go for it and say IT’S ME AND MY HAPPINESS.

  6. One unfortunate discovery we make as we grow into adults is that many people around us… don’t grow up. They stay kids at heart, but not in a good way. They act like middle school bullies, driven by insecurity. They say profoundly dumb things with unearned confidence, they push people around, and they blame everyone else for their failures. They live very boring lives and mock everyone who dares to try to live differently, to have fun, to care about things, or to be unique.

    These people are resistant to change, there isn’t much you can do to change them. Society doesn’t let us easily avoid them either. But you can control your response to them.

    Recognize these people for what they are. Ignore their opinions. Politely dismiss them. Find ways to get out of conversations with them. Don’t bother trying to fight them, or to prove them wrong. They don’t care, so you shouldn’t either.

    It’s hard not to care, when you’re a good person, but with practice and confidence, you’ll get there. Good luck.

  7. Keep going, know yourself, actively pursue your joy. Eventually, as you leave the time of life when you are almost exclusively socializing with people your age, you will find that people sort into interest groups. At that point, most of the people you are around are more likely to value similar activities and hobbies, and then your willingness to jump in will be envied, admired, and appreciated.

    Nothing is more attractive than a person lit up with joy in something they really love to do. No matter who you are, what you look like, that will be the moments when you look your absolute best.

  8. From now on don’t tell them what you are doing. Just keep doing what you want and are interested in. Don’t let them hurt you or judge you. They aren’t worth the time. Best of luck to you in your future.

  9. These new hobbies will hopefully net you new friends who you’ll naturally have stuff in common with. You’ll find your tribe soon. And those people that mock you can go fuck themselves 🤗

  10. I don’t think you do anything I instead think you just realize this : hyper-extroverted people don’t relate to having hobbies or interests. They don’t know what it’s like to get lost in something. You do. So you’re lucky in that sense. They get to have their baseless antagonism towards people who are passionate about things as a consolation prize for not taking much interests in things themselves.

  11. Let them mock you, trash talk you or even make fun of you in front of your crush, it’s fine. Bc that becomes one more reason to do it.

  12. OP Think for example in William Dafoe, he is not a pretty face but his talent is so great that a lot of people admires him as an actor.

    Don’t be good at what you like, be great and do it not to have the acceptance of vain people, but do it for yourself, do not care about what others say, do.not expect their approval, just do it.

    I am an introvert and shy person but one day I decided that if I was going to do something embarrassing I was going to do it going all along with it, if they was going to laugh at me I was going to give them the time of their lives.

  13. Put them down right back. They dont have what it takes to go out of their way to do something out of appreciation

  14. I’ve got a lot of very nerdy and/or geeky interests. IDGAF if people approve of them or not. It’s what I like.

    Wondering how other people have the audacity or the nerve or whatever just leads to wasting a lot of energy on them that you could be spending on your own interests and hobbies.

  15. They’re dicks but I recommend building muscle so you have a better stature about you

  16. Happy and secure people never seem to feel the need to bring others down.

    Something worth remembering.

    If you wouldn’t take advice from these individuals, don’t accept their criticism either.

  17. Just do it man, those people are being disrespectful.

    You seem to believe your ugly and if you do so, it opens the gate for people to say and believe the same thing. I do not believe for a second you are “ugly”! Everybody has their charm and so long as they take care of their hygiene are to be respected.

    When these folks say something like “have you seen that face” just say “yeah, have you seen this face 🤩😍”.

  18. I’m exactly the same, I’m also tall and skinny but I wear glasses. and I looked nerdy, until I started going to the gym, bulked, and got LASIK surgery. people really do perceive you differently by the way you look. just work on yourself and try your best to not be triggered by their behavior.

  19. You a man there is no way around it. You speak with no confidence, even if i make a fool of myself people wont talk shit to me! Don’t take the lies about being a feminine man you’ll end up depressed, start eating to gain mass go to the gym atleast 2 times a weak, even if i say i want to learn twearking like a woman people wont talk shit to me, respect is earned,

  20. from what i think, they’re definitely insecure. i doubt if you’re even ugly in the first place. maybe that’s just a perception you have of yourself?
    people won’t ever really try to bring you down unless they themselves are below you. let them enjoy their average bs, you do what you want to do. i’m glad you put yourself out there inspite of their comments, it takes a lot. keep doing what interests you, when you’ll succeed at it, the people making fun of you right now and passing comments idly will the same ones to congratulate you and try to befriend you. don’t let it waver your self confidence.

  21. If you REALLY wanna do acting, do it. They’re not stopping you, you’re just pandering to their opinions. I have this problem too. Let’s say I want to go for a run and my brother says “Where are you going? It’s hot outside, there’s no point in running..” etc, I go anyway without even listening to him. Just “Bye bye, I’ll be back in an hour” and you go. It’s easy because they’re not actually stopping you but you think they are.

    >What do I do or where do I go, where people value me for what I am, rather than judging the way I look or present myself?

    Honestly, the gym. NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE judges you there. You could literally be a stick, everyone is doing their own thing. It’s a win-win because you put on mass and you don’t get judged 🤷

  22. Where the hell do you find these people? Mf get checked rq if he playing. I’m skinny and tall. People insult my weight? Tell them to compare BMIs. People insult my height? Ask them why they’re short. Insult your looks? Never happened to me, but make sure they know what they look like before saying something like that to you. I’m someone who focuses on my appearance hella and would love to have someone insult it so I can bat them down. Don’t get how they can insult you when you’re skinny n tall. Don’t they know we get all the baddest bitties?

  23. You should look into training BJJ the people are super cool and most people suck at the beginning. I’d also recommend weight lifting not everyone can be tall but everyone can get jacked. The confidence is gives you will be monumental and because we live in a superficial world people will start treating you better aswell.

  24. People on the thread have the main points covered.

    I just want to say there is no reason why you cant be the below average, tall, strong dude. You are already tall and clearly have the balls.

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