Hi, I’m a 24 year old female here for a bit of advice. I met Joe (24 M) on Tinder and we hit it off. A month later, I confessed I might start to have feelings for him as I was genuinely into him. We just had so much in common. We spoke the same language, we had little inside jokes, we spoke every single day, we coudnt wait to spend time together. We clicked really well. However when I confessed he made it clear he wasn’t looking for a relationship as he wasn’t over his ex. I respected his stance and we agreed to remain friends. Over the next few months we got super close. We spoke everyday, we spent hours together watching movies on his couch, we spoke about everything under the sun, we made plans every week. I haven’t spent this much time with any of my other guy friends and made him a priority. It felt like a relationship just without any
intimacy. Maybe a part of me hoped he would eventually see what a great pair we made. I went out of my way to make him happy. I sent him food, invested my time and energy to meet him, traveled a lot just to see him for a short period, gave thoughtful little gifts and more. After a few months he confessed last week that he has fallen for my best friend whom he has met once. I’m broken. What can I do? I don’t want to loose the friendship but I feel so hurt. Tl:dr

1 comment
  1. I’m sorry that sounds heartbreaking but you can’t force someone to be attracted to you. You sound like you would be a very good and attentive partner for the right person who also wants to be that for you

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