Firstly, I know I can just google them but I want to hear American perspectives on them.

As a turkish person myself that name definitely isn’t a good first impression for me.

I recognise some turkish names but also some foreign names, are they like turkish-americans? Do they actually have to do with [those guys](

  1. They’re a far-left news source that complains about dumb stuff (like private companies selling prescriptions for only a few dollars) and denies the Bosnian and Armenian genocides.

  2. Are you asking about the youtube talk show channel? Or the Armenian Genocide political movement?

  3. Some sort of left-wing political commentary group? I don’t really know, I’d have to google

  4. They are extreme far Left leaning political commentary group that named themselves after the link you posted.

    Watching them will give you the perspective of the Far Left in America. It will not give you the average perspective of Americans as their views do not represent the Center-Left, Centrist, Center-Right or Far Right perspectives.

  5. I think it’s messed up they used that name. Idk how anyone takes them seriously.

  6. I had heard the term long before I knew of the Turkish political party of that name. In the English speaking world, “Young Turks” was a term sometimes used for young people agitating for reform of an organization, such as businesses, as well as governments.

    Edit: corrected typos.

  7. One is a political talk show hosted by a Turkish dude and an Armenian lady.

    Another is a group that forced the Ottoman Empire into WWI which led to its collapse.

    Finally a Rod Stewart song.

  8. FYI this subreddit is pretty centrist/right leaning, but here’s an overall perspective.

    It’s a youtube channel that advocates for Social-Democratic policies such as tuition free college, universal healthcare, and a green new deal.

    They are also heavily critical of the democratic party, corporations, lobbyists, U.S. foreign policy, and align mostly with the Bernie Sanders/AOC wing of the Democratic Party.

    Their use of that name is controversial, and weird imo. But I know Cenk is a Turkish immigrant and his co-host Ana is Armenian. I’ve watched them before but their content was a bit too click-baity and overly idealistic for my taste. And the show is more about making fun of conservatives than it is about actual journalism.

    I generally avoid political commentators these days.

  9. Depends on context. The most well-known use of the phrase is an idiom for overenthusiastic young members of a group that have fully bought into its ideology. There’s also a news and opinion outlet that uses the name and is known as having a far-left-wing slant. As for the actual Young Turks, most Americans don’t know of them but would guess from context clues like the name that they were the nationalist movement that replaced the Ottoman Empire with Turkey.

  10. At first I thought why are they taking the title of a Rod Stewart song.

    I’m only half joking. But I listened to them a bit a few different times. Mostly they seemed under informed and deliberately provocative.

  11. A YouTube show that is left wing leaning

    They support social democratic ideas and are aligned with politicians like Bernie sanders and AOC

    The founder is a Turkish person named cenk uyger

  12. Not a fan of genocide-deniers who name themselves after a group who committed genocide

  13. Young Turks are some people in media with opinions. I don’t like being told how I should feel so ignore them a long with Tucker, Rachel Maddow, etc

  14. It has a completely figurative everyday use in English that has absolutely nothing to do with Turkey or people from Turkey. It just means a younger generation who are disrupting the common way things have previously been done.

    A company that has been doing business a certain way for a long time with the same employees might hire some younger employees who have different ideas about how the company should function. They might try to change things. The older employees who have been there awhile might think of them as “young turks” who don’t know how things work at the company. The “young turks” might believe that how things work at the company should change.

    I guess the actual origin is from Turkey but most English speakers do not know its history. It’s just a figurative phrase like many others that is used. The YouTube channel probably borrowed it as a witty title for their channel since it was already an existing widely-known phrase in English.

    Here’s an example from the web of its use completely outside the context of Turkey. I think it’s probably about Hillary Clinton.


    >Anyone who thinks she will run [in the election] in 2016 needs a reality check. There will be all sorts of young Turks like Andrew Cuomo who want the job.

    Andrew Cuomo is of Italian ethnicity and was 59 years old in 2016. But Hillary Clinton was 69. He represented a newer generation than that of Hillary Clinton.

  15. They used to have some interesting stories then because left wing, almost extremism. Whatever sells. Cenk nephew says stupid shit like “America deserved 9/11.”. Usually these type of statements are just for attention

  16. They’re an extremely left view talk show. They do not represent the average centrist American. They are severely biased in their commentary and reporting.

  17. In the US (at least) “young turk” is a phrase that has specific meaning and has been around for quite a long time. It means, “a young person eager for radical change to the established order.”

    So in this situation they literally mean that and nothing more. Add in the fact that the main guy behind it is of Turkish descent and that’s really all there is to it.

    tl;dr: It’s an established phrase here and is not intended to be a reference to the political party and/or revolution in Turkey.

  18. IMO Hasan is more of what my generation thinks of when we think of TYT, not Cenk. Less “left leaning talk show” and more “the hot guy who got his start there”. I bought a smart TV for college and it came preloaded with a channel that runs their show. My people came from pontus/greece though and we are inherently distrustful of anything from them and turkey in general.

  19. As a leftist, TYT is too leftist for me. Their reporting is biased and less reliable than many other sources

  20. Did anyone else immediately go to Rod Stewart in their head? Anyone?

  21. Left wing version of the Daily Wire. Weak arguments, identity politics, constant straw men and ignoring nuance.

  22. Strongly dislike them

    Political commentators in general are usually awful individuals

  23. If you’re talking about the nationalist group, no strong opinion, if you’re talking about the “news” blog/company, the most polite thing I can say about them without getting banned is they are brain dead morons

  24. Politics aside, the hosts are pompous, extremely divisive, and brash.


  25. The meltdown Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian had on election night 2016 is comedy gold. I highly recommend watching it.

  26. Im a Democrat but I dont trust them that much, I sometimes tune in to see the views of people left of me.

  27. The first thing I think of is the Rod Stewart song about a teenage couple who get pregnant, run away from home, and start a life together.

  28. They were imperialistic genocidal maniacs. End of story.

    Edit: as for the talk show, they’re absolute raving morons.

  29. Maybe they were alright when they first started, but watching them now, especially Cenk, is like watching the ramblings of a madman. Dude has completely lost his mind every time someone does pretty much anything he doesn’t like, to the point it’s almost sad.

  30. They’re genocide deniers and are happy to intentionally subvert American politics. They’re a plague just like their namesake.

  31. Genocidal movement. Turkey committed genocide against Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians. They refuse to admit to this day. No different from someone denying the Holocaust or denying the Rape of Nanking.

    The show the Young Turks is obnoxious and smug.

    It’s like naming your show the Young Nazis. Or the Young Unit 731.

  32. A bunch of genocidal barbarians is what comes to mind. But judging by the comments we’re talking about a podcast? Idk either way they aren’t good people

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