I am 25m, never dated anyone, kissed, hook up, etc. Nothing. And honestly, it’s been fine for me. I was able to focus on school and hobbies and now have a good career. I’m quite introverted and I will just keep to myself but I still have a few good friends (online) and good relationship with family. I never felt like I *needed* a girlfriend, and still don’t. Life is okay, I can’t complain. But as I’m getting older I just can’t help wonder if I will regret this lifestyle of just being “comfortable”.

It kind of feels like I am missing out on experiences that the vast majority of people value, but also I am just not extremely motivated to put myself out there if that makes sense. Part of it might be that from an outside perspective it just feels so impossibly hard to find a genuine connection these days. I work remotely, my hobbies are very male-oriented, honestly the only times I go out are for sports/gym. So I feel I would need to make major changes to my lifestyle to go out of my way to meet people (I don’t think dating apps are for people like me). With so many people these days being shallow, disingenuous, or only interested in hooking up, finding someone genuine where there is mutual attraction seems improbable at best.

So what do you think? Anyone in a similar position? Or anyone that went through this already, how did it turn out for you?

  1. Nah don’t regret it. As they say, the grass is always greener. Enjoy your freedom and don’t force yourself into anything that you may question if you’re ready for.

    You’re still young. I’m 30M and still struggling with dating. But it’s come to a point where I’m not as into hooking up, because while fun, its such a fleeting feeling. Trust me you’re not missing much there. I would like to meet someone to potentially settle down with.

    It’s easy to feel lonely and it’s a lot easier said than done but I think that you should just continue to live your life and to experience whatever comes your way. Don’t focus on missing out, because you’re really not missing out on much. Although it’s nice to have that person in your life, it’s not something that *needs* to happen. Just take things in stride and let the chips fall where they may. You may be surprised to see what happens from all of that.

  2. If you’re one of the very few people that are truly content being single for your entire life then you don’t need to worry about dating. Just live your life in whatever way makes you happiest. It’s not like you can’t change your mind down the road (although it will get harder and harder to date as you continue down this path which is a lil spooky).

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