Rejection sucks, but what was the least hurtful way you’ve been rejected?

  1. She said: “no, I’m not feeling any chemistry” when asked for a second date. I asked for feedback, she delivered and moved on to a happy day.

  2. A girl I liked told me she was seeing someone, but still wanted to be friends and wouldn’t let this be awkward.

    The shocker is that she actually still put in an effort to be friends and wasn’t just saying that to be nice, and now more than 5 years after the fact she’s still one of my closest friends.

  3. i feel like you receive the same level of impact that you put out.

    for example in my experience, i sort of hinted that i had feelings by saying i really admired them, felt nervous around them, etc.
    and they came back with things like how i’ve always been a great friend. and that friends like me show up once in a lifetime. and they cared for me like a sibling. totally drawing a clear relationship boundary which i respected and accepted.

    if i had come in more direct like “i have a huge crush on you, i’ve always thought you were attractive” i definitely would have gotten something more blunt and painful.

    a rejection is more like a reaction to however you delivered the confession.

  4. We couldn’t make our different schedules match to have time for a date. I gave up after some time of trying.

  5. I am perfectly fine with rejection and I’ll accept it. But the worst is when they are super sweet to you to rope you in, lie to you, sleep with you and then hit you on the face with heartless rejection. Screw those kind of guys! I hope they get what they deserve.

  6. The girl was very cute and I was very innocent.

    I wrote her a note asking her out.

    We both worked for the same retailer.

    She came up to me the next day and gently let me down saying she already had a boyfriend (true). She was still friendly.

    My wife and I bumped into her 40 years later and she told my wife that I was a great and kind person.

  7. This was when I was like 10 and fat but I asked a girl out and she said fuck off burger hands which is honestly funny as hell but not at the time what a bitch.

    But I also had supreme confidence then as I was always outside.

  8. I have a lot of respect for girls that were just honest.

    Cut out the fake excuses and lying. Don’t say you can’t text me or hang out because you’re too busy. If you want to breakup and never talk to me again. Just do it. Don’t say we need a break. If you’re not interested, just say that. Giving someone false hope just makes it all hurt even more in the end.

  9. She called me a wise wizard “like the ones in a rural village that people go to for advice”

  10. By being honest, not just ghosting and not leading me to believe there’s are likelihood of something more happening.

    Something along the lines of “I enjoyed the time but just didn’t feel the right connection” is enough, sucks to hear but doesn’t leave room for the brain to go on overdrive.

  11. When I asked my kindergarten teacher to marry me and she said something about me being too young. She didn’t know I had birthday coming up so I was in high spirits.

  12. The guy she chose instead proved to be a more fitting and more worthy fit for her than I was, and they’re still going strong, years later. I ain’t even mad.

  13. “It was great meeting you, but I don’t see this going anywhere beyond a mere friendship, what do you think?”

    The least hurtful way is to just keep it simple and honest. I simply told her I wasn’t interested in friendship with her and that was that.

  14. “A” and I would always text. During the day until late at night. I got this Bat-Cat picture for her and drove to her house around midnight and she said she couldn’t come to the door, even though we were literally just texting.
    Then I waited for what felt like forever, finally got the hint, and walked back to my car. It was a cold, lonely, maturing moment of my life.
    I miss her.

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