This isnt really an advice question, more so a question for the general public. Im curious what most guys would do in this situation.
Backstory, my hair has been dead for a long time from bleaching it blonde and straightening it (my hair is naturally brown and curly) and I finally had enough and decided to cut it off so it can grow back healthy again. My hair is currently super short and curly (maybe about the length of a pixie cut) and I haven’t told my boyfriend yet because I’m too scared. I’m afraid he’s going to think I’m ugly and break up with me. I know this is stupid but I just wanted to hear some outside perspectives. Would you still love your girlfriend if she cut her hair or would you break up with her?

  1. If he breaks up with you over a haircut, especially a temporary hairstyle, then he is incredibly shallow and you should consider yourself lucky to have dodged a bullet!

    I understand some men aren’t attracted to short-haired women, and that’s fine. But if he can’t wait for your hair to grow out, then he just doesn’t care about you for anything more than his immediate pleasure.

  2. Shit if you’re losin hair then I’m losin hair. We’ll grow it back together.

  3. Hair is not who you are. If he wants to break up with you over a haircut, tell him to light his dick on fire

  4. A woman I had just started dating teased me about me running my fingers through her hair if she cut it all off. The she did it and it was just long enough to catch between my fingers while I grabbed her head to kiss her. A few days later she dared me to go shorter so I let her Bic my head. It was very cold and I needed to wear a hat indoors, but the sex was great. 10/10 would do again.

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