I had an argument with someone(M 47) and got angry quickly and just started screaming anything that comes in his mind. M thought I discredited him while arguing which I was not, I was only telling my point.

What are things or sentences to not say or do that will make them feel more shocked or have a bad feeling of what I am saying?
What have you’ll noticed that makes people think you don’t care about them and makes them more anxious and furious when they are already angry ?
The person kept talking to me so I wanted to tell

I am asking for this person and or people I talk to in future.

  1. “We need to take a break from this conversation, I didn’t mean to make you so upset.” (That’s if you want to help shoulder the blame for why he’s screaming.) or

    “We can talk about this another time, it sounds like you need to take a moment.”


    “We can agree to disagree, it isn’t worth getting upset over.”

    or “Are you OKAY? You sound a little rattled.”

    or “Hey, CHILL. It’s just a convo, we can talk about something else.”

    All said with a big smile.

  2. You do not entertain adults who still throw temper tantrums; it is not your job to manage someone else’s lack of maturity.

    You can:

    * walk away
    * leave
    * Remove yourself from the situation

    Their problems belong to them; try not to take it personally.

  3. Sounds like either a narcissistic, or someone over the edge, possibly very emotionally immature.

    In cases like these, the best thing you can do is stop the conversation.
    Let the person know that you understand them or at least how they feel, but this conversation is not going in a productive direction.

    Let them know that you will talk with them again once they are calm and if you have to, leave the room.

    If they continually yell and you while arguing and not even let you say your peace, that’s abusive behavior right there.

    It is VERY prudent that you establish boundaries, such as I will not allow people to talk down to me or in an abusive manner.

    Communication is a powerful tool, but you must be brave and wise enough to utilize it properly and in a balanced way.
    Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

    It’s even much worse if this person holds some sort of position of power over you, such as a spouse, a parent, or a boss.

    Even in that situation, you must establish boundaries so that you, and their position will not be abused.

  4. >got angry quickly and just started screaming anything that comes in his mind.

    That’s probably the bit that upset him.

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