Hi, I’m 19F. Im so lonely and I have no friends. My only friend was my bf but he left me recently and blocked me everywhere.
I don’t want to seem desperate or anything but.. I really need friends
Please if anyone has any idea on where I can get friends to chat with, or what VG I can play and talk with people, let me know!
I just want to talk with anyone, I don’t feel okay at all..

  1. There’s a lot of people here that would be more than willing to just chat about anything and everything. Including myself

    For video games to play where you can chat with others, most MMORPGS would be a good choice as there’s a whole social aspect around them

  2. I’m late to this post, but I recommend discord. If you have a favorite online videogame, it’s a great way to coordinate groups to play/talk with. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s basically a social media for videogames/communities belonging mostly to the online space. I’ve played Sea of Thieves and Monster Hunter and kind of made friends with people from the respective discord servers. But like, from a 20 year old who hasn’t gone to college, it’s been a decently good way to help fill the social void left by after High School (if that speaks at all to your situation). Having said all that, ideally you’d want to try to make friends at work, college, or the like. But I get if that’s not really on the table/something comfortable. Good luck in any case.

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