I met this person and we’ve been messaging back and forth a bit. Don’t really know eachother yet but assuming familiarity regardless. Then I was asked what my interests are so I said this:

“Personally, I’ve been getting quite deep into philosophy over the last couple of years, seeming to gravitate towards quite unorthodox worldviews I guess lol. Obviously I don’t really know you, but I figure you strike me as someone who might resonate with that to some extent?”

Now, I thought that was intriguing when I sent it, but they haven’t messaged me back in a couple of days and I’m worried it came off as potentially creepy. Like, they might think I’m trying to induct them into my cult or something.

  1. Blind leading the blind to some extent, but I’d guess that just came off as strange and they didn’t know what to say. “Unorthodox world views” in particular could be anything from Jordan Peterson’s views to religious extremism to conspiracy theories to just really liking Kant. I’d guess they assumed something from the first three and you meant something more like the fourth.

    I probably would’ve just said “oh I’ve been reading a lot lately” and if they asked what sort of books, I’d say I read a lot of philosophy and maybe give a few book titles you’ve enjoyed or something.

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