if a guy is saving himself for marriage or religion would you say that is an attratcitve thing if you are a girl? do you think you would be more likely to try and seduced him?

  1. Only if he has all the chances in the world but says no to every girl. Otherwise he’s probably a loser and no one wants him anyway :/

  2. Are you hoping to pretend to save yourself for marriage so that women will consider you a challenge?

    Religious people suck in bed – too much shame. So no, I wouldn’t find someone saving themselves attractive.

  3. I’d rather be single forever than find out the sex sucks after I’ve married a dude.

  4. Assuming you’re saving yourself up because of religion, you should get a girl who does the same. Has the same belief to be exact. Anything else wouldn’t work.

  5. I understand your decision to save yourself for marriage, and I sympathize with it.

    Unfortunately, in western cultures at least, sex plays a markedly different role in dating than in prior generations. If you want a relationship, sex is part of the interview process.

    The man needs to prove that he’s confident and desirable enough to expect sex early on. On top of that, sexual proficiency, which simply does not come naturally to men, is not only valuable in its own right, but also implies preselection by other women who helped him improve his skills. As I hope most of the other comments showed you, women who view themselves as having a lot of options are not going to tolerate sub-par sex or invest the time in improving a man’s skill when he can be easily replaced with a different man.

    Women, meanwhile need to demonstrate eagerness for sex very early on to demonstrate that they sexually desire the man they’re with. No man wants to be saddled with a woman who doesn’t want to have sex with him, if for no other reason that he doesn’t want to be resented for not being the man she wants to have sex with.

    If you’re very young, maybe 18-22 years old, then you MIGHT be able to avoid having sex before marriage and still get married. Even then, though, you’re rolling the dice. Any time after that, saving yourself for marriage means saving yourself for nothing.

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